Monday, April 01, 2019

The Dunlaps Are Moving...To Austria!!!

The Dunlaps are moving...TO AUSTRIA!!! Yup, you read that right. And not an April Fool's joke!

(Three stripes on the shirt, three stripes on the flag!)
A few months ago, I started thinking about how powerful it would be to connect 1 billion athletes around the world with a new kind of digital experience. Little did I know it would set me on a path to a dream job working as an exec at adidas, located in Linz, Austria! The family is game for a new adventure, so we will be moving in a few months.

I hope to get a chance to see many of my Bay Area friends one more time before we go (runners - the Inside Trail Woodside Crossover 50k this weekend, and the Boston Marathon next weekend are my last two US races). If you find yourself in the Alps, be sure to come visit! I'll be racing in the SkyRunning Series starting this June.

And if you've ever wanted to own the Woodside house that is the first aid station for the Woodside 50k, Crystal Springs 50k, Whiskey Hill 50k, etc., infamy awaits you! But you better touch base soon...

Let the adventure begin!!!!


  1. Just a bit closer to the UK! I might actually, eventually, see you on a trail. Rather than for 30 seconds in a pub in Boston! Good - and the very best - luck! Keep us up to date.

  2. Have a blast Scott. If you decide to travel east on vacation, let me know. My wife is Romanian and I have a host of great spots to visit if you get that far.

  3. I would love that...

    sounds like fun

  4. Wow on all accounts! Can't wait to see what you've come up with for connecting athletes. (Hoping horseback riders are included-my passion these days...). Austria is a beautiful country - enjoy it! Hope someone great buys your lovely house.

  5. Good luck and have fun in the Alps!

  6. Scott, come to Eastern Europe, Moldova and Romania, there are a lot of picturesque places here!

  7. I remember when you visited Austria and Switzerland a couple of years ago as I was there that Summer. Told my wife you were moving and she said lets move to Wengen or Murren in Switzerland. Maybe some day. Wishing you and your family good luck. Fitz


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