Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Win a Free Trip to the UK For Some Crazy Fell Running!

Have you ever wanted to race in the historic Lake District of the UK, the true home of fell running? How about an all-expense-paid trip for FREE?!? Well, you are in luck...

My shoe sponsor, inov-8, has recently launched the GET A GRIP COMPETITION where seven lucky winners will get a 5-day trip to the UK to race the 9-mile Skiddaw Fell Race. And yes, US runners are eligible! Just fill out this form and share your favorite trail running experience, and you are entered to win to be a part of Team Get A Grip for the June 30th-July 4th extravaganza.

The steep and challenging Lake District is where inov-8 was born in 2003, and quickly became a favorite brand for tackling the unique rocks, trails, and mud of the area. Since you are in inov-8's backyard, you can expect far more than a race entry - you'll get a tour of the company, a chance to run with the international inov-8 team, hob-knobbing with plenty of record-setting locals, and probably plenty of free gear and beer too. It sounds like an amazing experience!

So what are you waiting for? GO FOR IT!!!

I will be the first to tell you how jealous I am. ;-)


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