You had to beat your Boston Qualifier (BQ) time by 2 minutes and 9 seconds to get into the 2017 Boston Marathon, according to the press release that came out today. That's just slightly more forgiving than the 2 minutes, 28 seconds required for the 2016 Boston Marathon, but still tougher than the 1 minute, 2 seconds or faster for the 2015 Boston Marathon, or 1 minute, 38 seconds for the 2014 Boston Marathon.
Here's the breakdown:
- 4,357 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 20 minutes, 00 seconds or faster.
- 7,105 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 10 minutes, 00 seconds or faster.
- 6,845 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 05 minutes, 00 seconds or faster.
- 4,497 Qualifiers met their qualifying time by 02 minutes, 09 seconds or faster.
- 410 Qualifiers were accepted based on finishing 10 or more consecutive Boston Marathons.
Hopefully you were one of them! See ya there...
- SD
Wahoo! First timer!!!