Saturday, April 12, 2014

Running Animated GIF's...why not?

For your lazy Saturday viewing pleasure...

(Run, Bacon Kid, Run!!!)

(Holy green screens, Batman! Run for it!)

(That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a run)

(Free donuts at the finish line!)

(Jamie Summers rocks the track suit)

(What I feel like beginning a climb up Mt. Blanc)

(Why does this one make total sense to me?)


(REALLY Movin'!)

(SpongeBob and his pacer, Patrick)

(Chariots of Wildfire)

If you know of other good ones, point me to them!

- SD


  1. Interesting pictures and meaning, the message here is to always be physically active

  2. Scott have you seen the GIFs at whatisultra? Hysterical!


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