Thursday, October 03, 2013

Jon Olsen Sets New 100-Mile American Record - 11:59:23!

How many people do you know that have broken 12 hours for the 100-mile? Well, if you know Modesto, CA's Jon Olsen, you know one! The 39-year-old teachers recent North American record was set last weekend at the Sri Chimnoy Ultra Classic 24-hour race, and his write up is well worth the read (poop cans and all). He took down a nearly 30-year-old record and broke an incredible psychological sub-12 barrier. Congrats fellow Injinji and Vespa teammate!
(Jon Olsen with wife/crew Denise)
Also want to give a shout out to JB Benna who recently set a new unsupported FKT for the Tahoe Rim Trail (140+ miles) of 58 hrs, 43 minutes.

And one last shout out to Canadian Robert Grant who found and returned the camera I lost at Ironman Lake Tahoe! Gracias, my man!


  1. BTW, in case you are interested, the 100-mile world record of 11:28:03 was set in 2002 by Russian Oleg Kharitonov. Check out this amazing account of how it came down to a dead heat between two Russians in the last 300 meters.

  2. BTW, a great updated podcast with Jon is available on Ultrarunner Podcast, Sept 2014.


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