Monday, December 05, 2011

2011 TNF 50 Highlights (Video)

The Endurables put together a great video of The North Face 50-Miler from this last weekend, where Mike Wolfe prevailed after racing with Dakota Jones until the last few miles. Good stuff!


  1. Mike Foote's an awfully good runner and did best Mike Wolfe at this year's UTMB; however, I'm pretty sure it was Mike Wolfe who beat Dakota on Saturday. ;-)

  2. Scott, thanks for sharing, what a great movie and music to follow, awesome "view"!

  3. Fun video. Thanks for sharing that. Interesting to me that Dakota held that stride or two back ... but then tried to crack it around that 44 mile mark (in the video at least). Impressive race. Congrates to the Foote!!

  4. Amazing video, totally inspired and enjoyed it. Great music, I'll need to get those songs to listen to on long runs and think about the video.

  5. Amazing video (and race and course!). Thanks for posting it. I'd love to know the logistics involved in getting all those great shots - that had to be tough.

  6. That is a great video.I felt like I was running with them.Very inspiring.

  7. One word: WOW! This is tremendous! There is a local 50-miler that I have done on a team but that does not even compare to this video! These men featured are true athletes. Congratulations to any and all who participated. You are all inspirations to us aspiring extreme runners. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Nice little production...Im still a long way from a 50 miler....

  9. Excellent! I saw a young one sitting back learning from the master. Soon Dakota will snatch that pebble from the hand...


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