Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Run An Ultra - Bryon Powell Tells All In His New Book, Relentless Forward Progress

Today was my birthday, and one of the greatest gifts of the day was finally having the time to read Relentless Forward Progress, the new book by ultrarunner extraordinaire and guru, Bryon Powell. What a fantastic primer! Bryon has absolutely nailed this one.

It's no surprise that his writing is both entertaining and approachable, making it feel like he's hanging out with you at a coffee shop to eagerly give you the low-down on his greatest passion. But he also has help from his superstar friends who chime in with their stories and advice, such as Dave Mackey's tips on running downhills, Geoff Roes and Ian Torrence debating the need for speed work (Roes says skip it, Ian says bring it), Michael Wardian on "how to race a road ultra", Krissy Moehl getting to the essence of "why?", or Eric Grossman's tales of getting back to good when things go awry. It's a treasure trove of ultra All Star goodness.

There are dozens of pages of practical advice, including starter training plans for various levels of runners, all with a nod to the culture of spirit of ultrarunning. I think it's the perfect thing to give an aspiring ultrarunner, a friend who is curious about what you do, or anybody new to crewing. I'm going to keep a few copies handy for sure.

It went on sale today, and you can buy it here.

Great job, Bryon!!!



  1. happy b-day. It's my b-day also. Keep up the good writing. Your blog is always a great read. Thanks.

  2. Happy birthday and thanks for the awesome book review - will have to look at getting that one!


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