Sunday, August 08, 2010

Products I Want to See - 2XU Ice Recovery Pants

In my on-going attempt to give product feedback/ideas to our favorite outdoor manufacturers (see the iPod t-shirt, brush guards, and the ever-popular Nut-Tsak), here's a new one that I would love to have. Let me know what you think!

If you like the idea, please link to it from your blog and feel free to add any thoughts on design or use. My hope is that if 2XU, Sugoi, Brooks, North Face, etc., see a thousand bloggers linking to it, the market demand will be clear. My goal is simply this - get some new cool toys on the market!

Product Idea - 2XU Ice Recovery Pants

I'm a big fan of ice baths for post-race recovery, but getting in and out of that tub is a bit of a chore. Not to mention my "family jewels" are not always big fans of the 15-20 minute soak (and are known to retreat into the body cavity on occasion). Is there a way to get the ice benefit without having to jump in the tub? Similarly, I swear by compression garments for post-race recovery. So why not combine the two?

The 2XU Recovery Pant is a compression garment with pockets for ice placed over the major muscle groups, as well as the joint areas that often need post-race attention. These could be filled with ice, or 2XU could even do a partnership with Blue Ice or another recovery ice vendor to have units that slip into the pockets perfectly. It's a similar idea to an ice vest.

I sewed a couple of pockets into a pair of my compression pants to mock up a prototype. It works well, although you definitely can't be walking around too much. For outdoor use, I put straight ice in the pockets and let the cool water trickle down my legs. For indoor use, I put the ice in sealable sandwich bags.

Got an idea for an improvement? Feel free to leave a comment!


  1. I would definitely use this. Although the ice bath does have the benefit of being universally cool for all parts of the legs.

  2. This is a great idea! I know that ice baths are a good idea but I can never bring myself to do it. I think I would be able to do the pants though! I linked this post to my Facebook account, so hopefully more people will see it and support it.

    Thanks for an inspiring blog! I especially enjoyed hearing about Burning River. Now it's on my list to run some day!

  3. Gotta say -- that's actually a totally solid idea.

  4. No need to sew pockets into your recovery stuff, just soak them and throw them in the freezer for 20 minutes before you wear them. If you keep the crotch area dry you also save the family jewels.

  5. I've often though about something along these lines. What got me started was seeing a brace my friend had for his shoulder surgery. Instead of pockets for ice, it had tubing running through it, and a small container and pump that circulated ice cold water through the tubing.

  6. Pretty sure I just saw a preview for something like this from the most recent Outdoor Retailer show... Can't seem to find the link.

    I did find:

  7. It's already been done. A brand called Recover Gear has this exact product, as well as a few others.

    There is a new product by the same company that has just come out. It is called 110%

  8. Here's the easy way I would do it. First get a good compression pant from underarmor or similar. Then get a tight fitting cup/jock and insulate it with quallofill or some similar synthetic that can be warm yet damp. Then jump into the tub of ice water!

    Wait,'s getting easier. Strap on a pair of grandpa's "Depends". Then pull up the compression garment. By the time these leak through you will have spent your 5-10 minutes in the ice bath. If an inadvertant major leak develops, you can always pee into the Depends for reassuring warmth!

  9. Actually shorts with side ice pockets built in already exist. Kathie Lee Gifford wore a pair over the weekend and reported results on the Today Show this past week. They are like biking shorts with side pockets at your thighs to insert ice packets that are supposed to "freeze fat off your thighs"...or some "technical" term as that. So, it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to manufacture them...but they'd have an incredibly small purchasing demographic though. Even ice bath users would likely not want to put on tights with ice packets in them. I know I wouldn't.

  10. Great idea! It looks like you have thought of all the strategic places to place the ice pockets.

  11. I'm also a big fan of ice baths for post-race recovery,but now a days i am not getting time for this.what should i do????

  12. Is this similar?


  13. @Larry -- I think the point is to not have to start a bath, pour ice cubes in, force yourself in, and sit there or drip water around the house. Aside from the hassle, I have two small kids and no time to do this. Too bad for me the clothes sold by the companies have the sleeves inserts on muscles, when what I personally need is ice on my joints. (Looks like Recover Gear has a knee and ankle sleeve, though the ice inserts seem small.)

  14. You need to check out 110% Compression and Cold Therapy Gear. Top of the line zoned, gradient compression with built in pockets...Seamless construction and flexible ice sheets allow for maximum coverage. Entire set comes with a thermal bag to keep the ice sheets cold on the go. The pieces include both muscle and joint coverage. NFL teams have begun to use it because its so effective for both compression and icing.

  15. My dad trains race horses, they actually do have ice "pants" for horses! LOL maybe leggings for a big butt horse would work for a human leg? hmmmmmmmm

    Lisa "Bear Bait" Gunnoe


    These are top quality ice pack compression wear!


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