Monday, April 26, 2010

Adios, Dipsea Race. Hello, Ironman Kona! Thanking the Lottery Gods...

Lottery Gods...they work in mysterious ways. They control our destiny with their awesome power of fate, knowing just when and where to rock your world. Last Friday, they rocked mine yet again.

First, a slap in the face. I didn't get into The Dipsea Race for June, despite following their absurd and elitist application policies of including bribes in the application and hustling it to a post office within hours of downloading it from the Web (dance, clown, dance!). All this for the privilege of riding in the back of the bus by started 28 minutes behind the "real" runners. It was not only disappointing to not get in, it was fueling a rage against the establishment! I guess that movie On The Edge is based on the Dipsea for more than just location.

Next, a kick to the groin. It's quite clear that I am seriously injured from my bike accident two weeks ago, despite faking through a few fun marathons in the last couple of weeks (Boston was awesome, Big Sur Marathon blog write up in progress, but the 3:53 finish time should tell you something). If I take my recovery as seriously as my training, it's time to commit and take a month or so off. This means I won't run Miwok, a race I LOVE, and the only race the Lottery Gods graced me with this for the 2010 season. I try so hard not to take your name in vain oh Gods of Lottery, but you test me so!

On Friday, I took my grumpy mood and compromised posture to the garage to strip down my bike, throwing away the broken pieces and try to determine if what is left is worth salvaging. It seemed like more of the bike was going in the trash than remaining.

"Hmm," I thought, "perhaps this is fate's way of telling me to forget the bike and focus 100% on the trails. No cars, no hitting pavement with nothing but lycra on, no high speed descents. I was lucky to walk away - maybe fate is trying to tell me something."

A few minutes later, I got a text message from a friend. " just won a lottery slot to Ironman Hawaii on Oct 9, 2010. You lucky bastard!!!". I wha? No way!!!

Could it be?!? I've been putting my name in that lottery for nearly 12 years and have a row of $50 DVD's (your parting gift for not getting in) to prove it. It's one of my "bucket list" races, the ones you must do before you check out of this world. I checked the Web site, and there it was. Unbelievable.

I immediately pulled out all the bike parts out of the trash and started assembling. Lottery Gods, how ever could I have questioned your powers of destiny? I am your humble servant. ;-)

Best of luck to the Miwok runners this Saturday, especially that wait-lister who just got a HUGE break! The Lottery Gods are looking out for you too.



  1. Wow, I missed the bike accident episode, so sorry. I checked your result on Monday night and thought you had another run with your friends up there and taking it easy before Big Sur. Little did I know. So sorry you'll miss Miwok too, that was the only race we had in common this year...
    Well, and now you are moving back to triathlon, and not the little ones, so best of luck with the other gods, the Recovery ones!

    Take care,

    Farther Faster

  2. Too bad about Miwok. I actually thoguht something was up when I saw your finishing time at Big Sur.
    I was looking forward to seeing you again.

    On the otherhand, awsome about the iron man. Best of luck.


  3. There are mysterious way and there are MYSTERIOUS ways. Very cool. Enjoy.

  4. Sorry about seriousness of your tail bone. I love Miwok too. But wow, getting in after 12 years of trying! Congrats!
    As for lottery Gods - I am #1 on wait list for MMT100, and have a week to go before the entry list finalizes, but yesterday was last day they gave back registration fees if runners cancelled. Meaning who wanted to pull off - did. Anybody else, please?:)

  5. CONGRATS on the Kona slot! Very cool! I got my first parting gift for not making the lottery this year. 11 more and I am IN!

    AND - good luck healing the tailbone. Sending good recovery mojo your way!

  6. Nice work Dunlap! Two things that came to mind when I read this; Start swimming, and I can't wait to shed a tear when Al Trautwig tells the world of "The Scott Dunlap Story" on NBC Kona Ironman this fall. Hup, Hup.

  7. So you will be racing in Kona with Twiet! Good luck and have fun. Gary

  8. Wow, so exciting! Sounds like it will work out great- swim during your recovery, then ramp up the training through the summer, then taper, and the fun begins!

    You might find this post interesting- it talks about the freakishly high fat metabolism required to overcome the "metabolic impossibility" of having enough fuel to run a fast marathon in an Ironman.

    Good luck, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about your training, etc.


  9. congrats on winning the lottery to Kona! good stuff!

  10. I am a trail/ultra runner who wound up getting into Ironman Canada on pure luck as well. It is at the end of August. I know you have access to the top trainers, I hope you make Hawaii your goal race and post some training logs!I really have no idea where to start, other than run lots, swim for an hour 2X every week and build up to 4-5 hours on the bike.

  11. Turns out a good friend, Steve, got the roll down for Miwok! See, it all works out. ;-)


  12. Wow! So sorry about Miwok, but congratulations on the Kona slot!! I'm excited to follow you on that journey!

  13. Well done Scott, no one deserves that spot more than you for all you give back to running and the great outdoors. I lifetime memeory awaits and I'm sure you will share it with gusto.

  14. Hi there...I am a newby at running and just applied to the Dipsea Race. I wanted to learn more about bigger races. I have done a few smaller ones and have fallen in love with outdoor racing. I read about the dipsea race about 10 months ago and have had an itch to go for it. Any tips?


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