Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Western States 100 Has Been Officially Canceled

I haven't received any direct communication, but those in the know have been telling me it's official - the Western States 100 has been canceled. The smoke, fires, and access difficulties are proving too risky to move forward. I'm sure it was a tough decision for Greg Soderlund, Tim Tweitmeyer, and the Board, and I'm glad erred on the side of safety for the runners and volunteers alike. I'll post anything official that gets sent.

Such an odd feeling right now. Three years of lotteries, hundreds of hours of training and preparation all leading up to a single day, and just like that, it's gone. I'm sure everyone else is feeling the same, runners and volunteers alike. It's so weird to go from obsessing about one race every second of the day, to unpacking drop bags and not having the energy to even think about another race.

A couple more beers, I'm sure it will pass. ;-)

This next beer is for all of you who had the dedication, drive, and passion to be in Tahoe this week in the best shape of your life. Even without a race, there should be deep satisfaction in this accomplishment. I will drink one beer for each of you...better get started!

- SD


  1. Man, that's a bummer. There's always Leadville or TRT100 just around the corner!


  2. i am aghast! i suppose this would be a VERY difficult race to reschedule as far as logistics are concerned. hopefully you can still put all that training to good use, scott.

  3. Scott,
    We are off to a grievance run now. Staying in Tahoe City. Want to join?


  4. The official cancellation notice has been posted on the Western States 100 site. I'm so sorry for all of you. I know you trained so hard and it was shaping up to be quite a race. Yes, there are other races on the horizon but I understand your not even wanting to think about that right now. Good to process one thing at a time and that is the lost chance of running this year.

  5. So, SO sorry for you and everyone else in this race! That sound we all heard this evening?... 400 collective hearts breaking. Words escape me.
    They have officially posted the cancellation on the website.
    Since you're all in town, consider the Burton Creek Trail run in Tahoe City on Sunday. 20 miles, not exactly a hundred, but a good training run for...???

  6. Yeah, this is awful. And no easy solution in sight as to how the committee will move forward with refunds, slots for next year, etc. What a bummer for everybody.

    I'll raise a glass to you tonight as well.

  7. Wow, everyone, I'm so sorry. But I guess fires within 2 miles from the course is nothing to take chances with, along with all the other reasons they mentioned. You all involved with the race must feel so crushed. Although I've never totally focused on one race for half a year or longer, I feel your pain.

  8. Sorry to hear about this Scott. I can't imagine how you guys are feeling. I was so ready to watch your progress on Saturday. Guess it's time for an ultra-marathon session at the casino.

  9. Of all people, Scott, I think you'll make the most of this. Just don't drink TOO much...

  10. words escape me on this one. What a bummer. I'm so sorry and hope you make the most of your time up there as well as your training

  11. Scott, how many beers are you up to now. I am have just finished my third cider (boy, that stuff can hit you at altitude). Simon just had his first ever Guinness and the English runners have polished off a whole lot of beer and wine.

    I am so, lemme see, what is the right word for it? Oh yeah, drunk.

    Sigh, Paul
    P.S. give me half an hour to navigate your word verification test below

  12. I'm so sorry for you guys. I had to skip my second ever marathon to take care of my wife who had broken her arm falling off a horse. I can imagine your dissapointment is the same as mine was.. times 25.

  13. Scott,

    I am sorry to hear of the cancellation. I know that you and all the others trained hard for this weekend and it must hurt like hell.

    Take heart. Your next race is round the corner. :)


  14. Scott,

    I am so sorry for you and everybody else that trained so hard for the race. Also for the volunteers and the race organizers that put so much work into it.

    I am feeling so sad you going to have one beer on for me too


  15. argh! i ran a relay race that they cancelled in the middle (after i ran my leg) b/c someone passed out and went into a coma. we were so pissed, but western states is so i'm so, so sorry! i don't like beer but i'll have a mojito in honor of you.

  16. DAMN!! So many training miles, so much frustration.

    While there's always another race, sounds like a few of you may be putting in a solid weekend anyway, dare one suggest this year's motto: "One hundred beers - One Day"

    Good luck for the next run - and good luck to the fire crews etc keeping an eye on things.


  17. Man, I'm bummed for you and all the runners who have prepared for WS. I'm sure the disappointment will take some time to get over. So keep drinking those beers.

    I will say I'm sure this was the right decision. No need to put that many people in harms way needlessly.

    Take care man.


  18. Scott, I'm so sorry to hear the news. Hopefully you can find some positives down the road. If you drink enough beer maybe you can put out the fires all by yourself! ;)

  19. Well, I'm sure it's easy for me to say, since I wasn't running it, but try to put it into perspective. You lost $300 in entry (more in travel), some nervous energy expended, and excitement snubbed.

    On the positive side, you're in incredible shape, there are many great races (come run Leadville with me!!), and it is after all just a race.

    What I think might be fair for ws gods to do:
    1. keep all the same entries for next year, asking that anyone who does not want to run next year let the committee know (say 50 people can't/don't want to run, then open up 50 spots for lottery).

    2. figure out how many buckles would have been given out this year , add up the raw costs of those and subtract it from the entry for next year to the participants registered for this 2008 cancellation (e.g. instead of $295 it may end up being $235 ea). Anyone who gets into the limited lottery fresh for next year pays full price, of course.

    It is heartbreaking for those who've spent all the time training and building excitement and courage up for this Saturday, but it's certainly not the end of the world. Come do Leadville and watch me stumble like a zombie for miles and miles.

  20. Scott, and all others involved with this year's WS, I congratulate you on being ready to run and extend my sympathies on the unfortunate outcome. In this case, the risks really do outweigh the rewards. Be well, and enjoy the miles.

  21. First time ever on a blog! :)
    Just wondering if anyone has some suggestions for a good running route/trail in Durango, CO. I am looking forward to a nice scenic run, preferably not out & back.


  22. Hey Scott, so sorry to hear about this! But as you said, erring on the side of caution is best for everyone. Now you'll just have to take your super in shape self and spend more time with Sophie and run after her!


  23. I'm crushed for everyone involved. And to think that I was going to make an effort to qualify for next year. But with an anticipated 'glut' of qualifiers for next year, I think I'll just stick to PR-ing at the marathon for this next year. I'll tip back a glass of a Trappist monk brew tonight to honor all of your efforts.

  24. 1 beer for each runner? Yikes! :) It is a major bummer. With any race, let alone Western States with the lottery and all...

  25. Like most of you out there I am still in shock. I will be heading up to Squaw today as originally intended and staying through Saturday to get closure and I am sure I will see many of you there.

    I also feel deeply for the Board, volunteers and everyone whose dedication makes it possible for us runners to go "out there" and have this incredible experience called Western States. My heart goes out to you all.


  26. Whoa! I've been seeing this since this morning when I logged into my computer. So now that the actual event is cancelled and you're obviously still conditioned to go 100 miles, what are you going to do now?

  27. BTW, for those of you who haven't been up at the Lake yet...the air is really bad. I've never seen it this thick...L.A. quality. I couldn't even see across Lake Tahoe to the other side.

  28. Scott,

    Anyone want to join me at Leadville? Just got on their website and signed up... I expect it to fill fast.


  29. 100!? Yikes...26 is tough enough! :)

  30. sorry to hear this news. at first i was just bummed for the runners, but then i remembered the pain for all of us who've looked forward to the post ws100 blog entries for so long!

  31. My heart goes out to all the would-be runners who shelled out the $$$ and dedicated countless hours of training leading up to this race.

  32. Scott, sorry we couldn't meet at the start...given there will be no start. I'm swinging my attention to AC 100. Closer to home but another fire risk. Maybe I'll see you at Helen Klien 50 in November where I'll try to beat Peter Lubbers by 5 seconds again. Anyway, keep on bloggin, and tip one for the running gods. They put their best foot forward, yet they are no match for Mother Nature.

  33. Ouch! Started looking at other 100s but I started to realize it's tough to substitute Western after looking forward to it for so long. Guess I need to run and clear my mind out.


  34. Please join us for the group Therapy...
    8:00 am Sunday, June 29th, 2008 Let's run long from BEAR VALLEY Visitors Center -POINT REYES. Varied lengths available...please spread the word. Bring water-food and we can share our stories of woe on how we were all going to run sub 18 hours at States the day before.

  35. I think one of the toughest for taking this might be Anton Krupicka. Tony's been training close to 200 MPW for the last 6 weeks - and really focused on this.

  36. Recent Post on WS Site..all runners on 2008 Start List receive automatic entry for 2009.

    This is great news for everyone this year..a great jesture on the boards part.

    Tony Lafferty...WS hopeful 2010...

  37. Auto-entry! That's a good thing for the 2008 entrants, but makes it tough on the folks hoping to get a slot for 2009.

    I signed up for 100 miles worth of other races, and feel a bit better. In the meantime, I've been seriously lounging up in Tahoe. It's kinda nice. ;-)


  38. that's terrible news, hope you guys keep up the attitude and go out and nail another 100 miler soon. I guess my chances for running the '09 version of WS100 went from slim to pretty much none. Oh well, good thing about races, there will always be another one.

  39. Great attitude Scott. Just rolling with punches as usual. Seems like you'll have your automatic entry for next year though. Not like you were going anywhere right?
    Tough break but everyone gets to run another day because of the precautions taken by the race committee.

    Hopefully no such problems for TRT. The race has been on my mind since reading your's and Addy's report.

  40. I went to the Friday 1:30pm briefing today, and it was great to see everyone. The smoke is continuing to get worse (now at 10x healthy levels), and the PV Fire is inching closer to Last Chance. It's pretty clear there is no way that States can take place this year, and they made the right choice.

    It was interesting to hear more details about how difficult it was to "unwind" the effort, and get back all the water, tents, etc., that were already on the course. The volunteers for States are amazing. Kudos also to the RD's at the Vermont 100, TRT100, Teton 100, and Bear 100 who extended new entries to States runners looking for another 100 this summer (Grand Slammers will be able to substitute another 100, apparently).

    For those still around, there is a flag raising at the top of Squaw @ 10am, and you can run the 4.5 miles up to get there. There are a bunch of folks heading to the Tahoe Rim Trail around 9:30-10:30am starting at The Meadows on Hwy 431 (mile 25/75 on the TRT100 course), and there is a 10/20 mile run at Burton Creek (just south of Tahoe City) on Sunday morning put on by Big Blue Adventures. Lots of options to get the stress out!


  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Wow Anonymous. Well obviously you have read all the "wittle" ultra blogs of the "self-centered" runners. If you find them so offensive and obnoxious then don't read them! I,as well as most people, find them inspiring and fun to read. Take your negativity somewhere else. Or at least have the cahones to leave your name.


  43. To Anonymous -

    My standard policy is to leave any comments where folks have the integrity to sign their name. But I remove contentious comments from anonymous people. I encourage you to repost and sign your name.

    Thx, SD

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