Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Important Note for Rucky Chucky 50k Runners

For those of you running the Rucky Chucky 50k this Saturday, RD Robert Mathis sent out the following important update last weekend. Be prepared to stock some food/water for the 13.9 mile stretch between aid stations!
Hi all,

I have some urgent news that everyone needs to know. Norm Klein(Cal 2 Aid Station Captain) talked with Greg Soderlund(who talked to the owner of the property on the way to Cal 2) late yesterday and we found out there is no vehicle access due to mud and 12-24 inch ruts in the road. We cannot get aid down there due to this. This unfortunately means there will be no Cal 2 aid station. This also means there will be no aid for the first 13.9 miles(as well as the last 13.9 miles) until Sandy Bottoms. All runners will need to carry 3 bottles(or camel back) to stay properly(and safely) hydrated. Please plan to load up on beverages and food at Sandy Bottoms aid station. I am sorry for the inconvenience but the above normal rainfall has caused this issue.
I need everyone to reply back that they have received this email as I want to make sure everyone knows. I will be calling all runners without email addresses or ones that don't reply. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email or call me.

Thanks again for your understanding and see you next week,

Robert Mathis
Race Director
robert (at)

Sounds wet, muddy, and adventurous! It's going to be great.



  1. Crazy, huh? Hey, are you wearing the same yellow outfit (and the Nathan pack) you did at Skyline Ridge? If you don't want to reveal any secrets, that's okay, but just wondering. See you Saturday.

  2. I don't know if the roads are that bad to warrant 14 miles without any aid. It's a little crazy. But as ultrarunners, we always have to go back to Plan B. See you guys on Saturday!

  3. iodine tablets and one bottle... isn't this how the whole sport got started?

  4. Yeah, but entry fees were <$5.
    28 miles with no aid in a 32 mile race. Yeeooowwwee.

  5. Mark -

    I will likely be wearing the same get up, although I think I may use a Camelpak or Inov-8 pack to carry a bit more water than my bottles can muster. It will take me a few hours to cover than last 13.9 miles uphill, and I would like to have 80-90 oz on me.


  6. Scott,
    Sorry I'm so "off-topic"
    but can you recommend any great running movies/documentaries that are accessible?

    Cheers. Hope Rucky Chucky is rosy!

  7. We just got dumped with SNOW here in Chicago. It's nice to see someone is able to enjoy the outdoors without freezing...


  8. Leomemorial,
    Looks like Scott Dunlap got a taste of your snow himself--he'll probably talk about it in his race report. When I lived in Chicago, I'd take out my cross country skis and ski around my house and the lakefront. Not as good as California, but you have no earthquakes!

  9. BTW Scott, when you blog, tell us how the ride home was--a little worried about you driving home safely on such little sleep (aside from your having run 50 butt-hilly kilometers).

  10. Hey Matt,
    Some movies to get you fired up about long distance running would be:

    A Race For The Soul. Documentary style film about the 2003 (I think) Western States 100. I've watched this one with the bonus features about 50 times.

    The Runner. Documents David Horton's run along the entire Pacific Coast Trail. A little boring, but when you've got the DT's for long running, it's the drug.

    Some more theatrical movies I like:

    Saint Ralph. This is a must see about a boy who wants to run the Boston Marathon because he thinks it's the miracle needed to save his mother. (yes, I got choked up during it a couple times).

    Running Brave. The Billy Mills story.

    Without Limits. Prefontaine movie.

    Prefontaine. Another Pre movie. I can't decide which of these I like best. They are both wicked good. I think Without Limits is a bit more hard edged.

    Of course you can just google "running movies", but I thought I'd give you some personal insight into the ones I've seen and enjoy.

  11. Matt -

    Those are some great movie suggestions above. Some other favorites of mine:

    On The Edge - Cheesy film about a race very similar to the Dipsea, starring a very fit Bruce Dern. Great trail running footage, and you feel good at the end.

    Chariots of Fire - Duh. ;-)

    Without Limits - Another Prefontaine biopic, but one that feels to me like Eugene, OR, was back in those days.

    Showdown - A documentary that follows four elites (Culpepper, Abdi, Meb, etc.) leading up to the XC cross-country championships.

    If anyone has any other favorites, please do share!


  12. Thanks, Tim and Scott.
    That's exactly the kind of stuff
    I was looking for. Cheers and keep up the good work!

  13. Thanks. I saw the movie Saint Ralph. I am on the way to Maquengue in Costa Rica HG.

  14. Sorry, it is Costa Rica HQ (not Costa Rica HG) in my previous comment. Thanks.

  15. Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner

    back from the days when I saw lots of movies


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