Monday, February 25, 2008

Why We Need the Las Vegas 100-Miler

Men's Fitness Magazine named Las Vegas the "fattest city in the US", citing among other things that "Las Vegas residents are 60 percent less likely than average to go trail-running - the 2nd lowest rate in our survey". What? There are so many killer trails out there! (hello, Red Rocks...).But there are a lot of In 'n Out Burgers along the way too, and a bar or two from what I've heard. Perhaps it is time for the Las Vegas 100...

Local TV article here, full article at Men's Fitness here.


  1. The ironic thing is that some magazine (Outside? Outdoor?...can't remember) named Las Vegas the best outdoors city in the country last year, because of all the different places to play.

  2. Ouch! My hometown of Fort Worth is the 4th fattest city! I'm doing what I can -- run El Scorcho (

  3. I live in Las Vegas and it can be hard to resist all of the food and drink that's available. Still, I try to do my part to change our score. We did have two 50k's in the last year, but your right. We need a 100 and a good 50 mile race. Just don't hold them in July.

  4. Wow, SF did better than I would expect. Well, except on that Commute score :-).

    I would definitely be in for a LV100! I love running in Red Rocks and if they made it in Oct/Nov it would be a perfect option to Javelina for an end of year race.

  5. A 100 miler in Vegas would be something that can be seriously pimped out by the tourism board for sure and get the non-gamblers into the state. Heck, if it gets popular enough, I wouldn't be suprised if bookies start placing bets on who'd cross the finish line and in what time!

  6. Way to go, Portland! Hey, no wonder:) Now we need a 100 miler too!

  7. Any excuse to go to Vegas is good.

    Hey Scott. What kind of earphones do you wear when running? (Sorry if repeat question)

  8. Similar magazine & other men's fitness magazines I found at Magazines City store with many coupons.....!

  9. I've been doing some research on Las Vegas Real Estate just for fun. It does seem like an interesting place to live.


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