Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Work Out and Drink Up (Time Magazine)

The latest article in Time Magazine from Dr. Sanjay Gupta says that the best way to combat heart disease is to BOTH exercise and drink alcohol (although not at the same time). You can read the full article here.

The big a-ha for this round of studies is that test subjects that did moderate exercise and drank 1-6 alcoholic drinks per week had a 50% lower risk of heart disease, whereas those who just exercised had a 30% decrease. Both exercise and alcohol affect the heart in the same way by helping increase HDL (the good cholesterol) and clean the circulatory system's pipes.

I love the studies that say alcohol and caffeine are good. Time to get your drink on! ;-)



  1. Would love to get behind your enthusiasm for alcohol but no matter what it does for your heart, it also contributes to about 80% of the violent crime in the US. Not to mention the thousands of families that are devastated by its abuse every year. From where I sit, doesn't look like there's much to celebrate with alcohol but plenty to be wary of. God knows, I've yet to meet the person that was a better or smarter person because they drank. We can all probably agree that we've known countless individuals who would be infinitely better off without it.

  2. in response to anonymous:

    I believe (and I think you would agree) moderation is key here.

  3. Thanks, Dave. I was about to say the same thing. Dr. Gupta also notes that any history of alcoholism in the family means don't drink.

    Also one other point he made - alcohol use didn't do much for preventing heart disease until you were the age that heart disease became a risk (45+).


  4. ok. ok. since there are obvious health benefits I must comply.

  5. haha, I would hope this teetotaler can get HDL from sources other than alcohol!

  6. Scott,

    Remember Dr. Guptas advice when you hit Browns Bar sometime late on a hot June night and the Harriers offer you a beer.

    See you on Saturday.

    Cheers, Paul

  7. Have you ever tried to run and drink at the same time? It's kinda fun. I mean, when you're participating in a Poker Run, it's only natural to have a few shots of tequila.

    I like Paul's suggestion. I say go for it at Brown's Bar!

  8. Good to know that I have been doing one thing right all along. Enjoy reading your blog!

  9. I knew I was on to something!

  10. I'm sure that Dr. Gupta follows this himself. He's also a runner! Wouldn't have believed it until I saw the article on him in Runner's World (I'm A Runner) in the back.


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