Sunday, January 06, 2008

So Much for Miwok

It's been an interesting weekend up in the sticks where we live - a storm brought five inches of rain, 50+ mph winds, and a multi-day power outage (this storm later dropped nine feet of snow in the Tahoe area). But on Sunday morning I fired up the generator for one purpose - to go online and register for the Miwok 100k. If I learned anything from Way Too Cool, it's that you have to be fast.

Not that I was worried - Miwok usually takes a couple of days to fill. But I know a lot of folks didn't get their slot to Western States, so I figured I should log in within the first hour to get a slot in case there was a rush.

Huge mistake. I logged in at 8:30am, and it was closed! So much for Miwok this season. The Beta was excruciating - multiple logins, never recognizing an account I've had for years, etc. (and apparently I'm not the only one) - but honestly, it was my fault. I should have learned to log in 10 minutes early (since tends to start early, like Way Too Cool) and get in ASAP.

Oddly, I didn't feel too frustrated. I have lots of great races on the agenda, and the Miwok 100k was already dangerously close to the Quicksilver 50m. Maybe the online registration Gods are telling me to head up to my hometown of Eugene for the Eugene Marathon instead. ;-)

I did make it out in the storm for a couple of runs. Very exciting! Here's a quick video right before I headed out. The winds were about 40 mph, and it was raining like crazy. Huddart Park was deafening with the sounds of nature, such as raging streams, creaking redwoods, and wind forcing it's way through everything. Way fun!

And for those catching the details, I am wearing the new Injinji gloves which are super cool. They are lightweight, and seem to fit my hands just right.


  1. Ha! I like how you look surprised to be caught on camera. Nick

  2. Miwok's closed?!? Guess I shouldn't be surprised, either.

    Our power was out pretty much all day today, just came back on around 4:45pm. I was going to go over to Active to check on Miwok, but decided to check my feed reader first. Guess it saved me the trouble of the "beta Active" issues you had to deal with. Oh well. Like you, I think I may be looking at Quicksilver.

  3. Actually, I just logged on directly to the website at 8:10am and after some minor navigation issues, got in 20 minutes later.

    Do you know when it sold out?


  4. Greetings and Happy (wet) New Year!

    Sorry you couldn't get into Miwok. I know you raced the Silver State 50 last year but maybe you can consider it again. Due to fire in the Mt. Rose Wilderness Area Stan O. (RD) had to change the course (so it would be a change for you). See this link:

    We got a pretty good dumping of snow in Reno and running has a been a bit challenging; I was waist deep a couple of times yesterday and that was near the start of the SS50!

    Maybe I'll see (and meet you) at cool. Thanks for your blog, it's really opened the world of ultrarunning to me.

    Darren Young

  5. Nice. Over in San Bruno it was no different and my first reaction to 40mph winds and flooded streets was, "I am running right now!". Despite supposed waterproof pants and water resistant jacket I finished completely soaked and cold, but happy nonetheless. If you have a jacket that actually keeps you dry could you post what it is?


  6. That's an awesome video, Scott. Your phrase made me laugh. Thanks for sharing.

  7. that's a bummer. And yeah the active migration was VERY Painful to me too. I didn't experience it while trying to register for a speedily sold out race though.

  8. I tried to get onto Active early (since I was working on-line anyways) and had the same technical frustration. Luckily, got live emailed help from others trying simultaneously. I sort of wanted to run 2008 since too late in 2006 and had to withdraw due to a work function last year. But you're right, so many other races to do.

    I am writing to Ultrarunning (Editor Tia is the Miwok RD) complaining about
    $7.50 fee for a $100 race for a non-labor-intensive "service" that doesn't even work is ridiculous.

    I was too wimpy to run during a storm, but climbing over or around downed trees (I had to do about 6 on Saturday in Marin) will certainly add an adventure element to our trail training runs for the next few weeks.

  9. Hey Scott -

    It might be a blessing in disguise. Run your own 100K run that weekend -- or get out on the Miwok course for some miles before pacing a friend. If you're at Miwok, you really want to turn in a top-notch performance. Problem is, it's tough to bounce back from that distance in time to hammer an impressive Western States (which is your ultimate goal).

    - Garett

  10. Gidday Scott

    We DNR'd! I think this is a whole new criterion for failing to complete a race - Did Not Register.

    After 25 minutes on Sunday morning trying to battle the registration system (using multiple login-accounts) I simply quit. Even though I am sure Miwok would be a nice race, it was just not worth the hassle. No worries. Miwok registration thread here:

    Cheers, Paul

  11. Sorry, looks like the URL got truncated:

    Click here:

    - then Trail Running
    - then Miwok 100k

    Cheers, Paul

  12. I am an hour behind you guys living up here in Alaska. My pal Dave called and woke me up for the 8 am sign up. I stayed in bed for ten minutes until our 7:10 and went to sign up and it was closed. He got in though. I cant believe how fast it was filled. I ran the quicksilver 50 last year and am looking for another race around that time. If anyone has any good sugestions let me know. I am kind of bummed right now. I felt I could have really competed in Miwok this year. We have a ton of good races up here in the summer so April and May is really my only chance to go south.

  13. DNR, I love it! It's $100 cheaper than DNS, and not nearly as tough as a DNF.

    Evan - I'm sure our storms are mild in comparison to yours! If you are looking for an early May race around these parts, I'm a big fan of the Silver State 50m.


  14. Scott,

    Perhaps it's a blessing. Your posting about your 2008 had me recalling a post of old about recovery. I just couldn't imagine you keeping up that pace of long miles.

    Miwok will still be there next year.

    All the best in your training.


  15. Crap, Scott - sorry to hear you didn't get in. I must have snuck in just under the wire at 8:15. See ya at Diablo I guess.

  16. I argue for not getting into the Miwok as DEFINITELY coming for the Eugene marathon! I wondered about the weather for you guys up there in the clouds--we lost lots of trees and part of a fence in Bandon, but nothing too serious. Actually saw a few snow flakes for about 20 seconds in Eugene.

  17. Surprisingly, I got myself and my friend in...right at 8 am. And I am not even sure I want to go:) I guess I better do to not upset all the DNR's!

  18. First time posting on your blog! I really wanted to run miwok this year. I tried to register at 8:15 and it was already full. I shouldn't have made that cup of coffee. Hey Scott, I'll be running by your driveway on Feb 2. PCTR 50k. God luck in WS100 this year. I will probably volunteer since I did not get in. So, hope to see you there!

  19. Ugh, what's up with all these Type A ultra people registering so darn early? :) I will be doing the Eugene Marathon so I'll see you there! That reminds me...I need a pacer for a sub 3:10! lol All the best in your Western States training!

  20. I just watched some of the finish line videos. I actually felt tears coming to my eyes! I'm training for the Sarasota, Florida marathon in March. This will be my first marathon and I'm very excited. I'm looking forward to reading your blog! I'm originally from Boston, and I've never even seen the Boston Marathon. Now that I run, I wish I had!

  21. Geez. I remember when I could still sign up for Miwok in February, that was only 2 years ago.


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