Monday, November 26, 2007

Erik Skaggs, Beth Vitalis Win 2007 Quad Dipsea

42-year old Beth Vitalis set a new Women's course record (4:39:39) and 25-year-old Erik Skaggs came within 38 seconds of Carl Anderson's "untouchable" course record at the 25th annual Quad Dipsea this year. Skaggs (3:53:07) set a blistering pace from the start at the 28.4 mile course, and ended up winning by a 20-minute margin over Victor Ballesteros. Vitalis bested Krissy Moehl by 13 minutes.

(Livermore, CA's Beth Vitalis setting a new Women's course record; photo courtesy of Jeff Vendsel)

You can read a longer story here at the Marin Independent Journal. Overall results should be posted soon!


  1. It WAS a great race, Scott. So neat to see Beth and Erik flying by; Krissy, too and others. Great at the end, too, and NICE fleece jackets for the 25th anniv. run of the Quad. RDs John and Lisa were superb, so were all the aid station people and road crossing guys.

  2. Hi Scott. I read your blog and have a book that I think you may enjoy reviewing on it. I have contemplated contacting you on LinkedIn, but figured I would take the less threatening approach to contacting you-and leave a comment!

    The book is called PSYCHODYNAMIC RUNNING by Dr. Ethan Gologor and it covers all aspects of running: from interviews with serious runners, to the questions 'why, oh why do we do this?' taking us into the runner's psyche. He even manages to take up running along the way and is the Captain of the NYC Marathon 'Psyching' Team. It reminds me a lot of what you cover about on your blog. Please contact me if you would like additional information or a copy of the book. Thank you!

    All Best,
    Lisa Roe
    Online Publicist

  3. I'm glad to hear of Beth Vitalis' victory-she saved my race at the Stevens Creek 50K last September when she offered me a salt pill during the worst salt cramp I've ever had. So, congratulations, Beth!


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