Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jasper Halekas featured on EndurancePlanet.com

Another great ultrarunner interview on EndurancePlanet.com this week, this time with newly-crowned 2007 USATF/RRCA 100-mile champion Jasper Halekas. Jasper talks about his breakthrough season this year, including how his mileage has built up from the original interview I did with him last year.

Congrats again, Jasper!

- SD


  1. excellent. I'll have to go check it out!

  2. Ahh, I love it when the heros of my sport actually turn out to be the cool, nice people that I imagine them to be (so much the opposite of other sports.) Great interview, I am really happy that someone like Jasper has earned the national championship, what a great representative for our sport!

  3. thanks for the post! I finally know how to pronouce his last name :)

  4. Scott: How about one of your great interviews with Molly, the WOMEN'S WINNER of TRT 100?

  5. A funky and spanky voice he has! Thanks for pointing us there.


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