Thursday, October 27, 2005

Product Idea - The Injinji Nut-Tsak

Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the Mountain Hardwear© iPod T-shirt and Montrail© Ankle Brush Guards product ideas. If you have designs of your own, let me know how to link to them!

Here's one more product idea specifically for the dudes out there. I'm a big fan of Injinji© Tetratsoks (or "tsoks" as they are called), the trail running socks that fit your toes like a glove. Once I switched to them, the chafing and blistering of my toes disappeared altogether.

(The Injinji Tetratsok)

So how could this technology be applied to another area of chafing that for many men can be, uh, troublesome?

Product Idea - The Injinji© "Nut-Tsak"

Taking a cue from the independent sleeve design of the Injinji tsoks, the Nut-Tsak 3-pocket design protects the family jewels from any unwanted chafing. Similar use of advanced, breathable fabrics like CoolMax and Lycra make the solution wickable and all-season. David demonstrates below.

(Michelangelo would be so proud)

Genius, you say?!? Natch! But as you know, necessity is the mother of invention. Now if I can just get Injinji© to make a prototype. ;-P

BTW, you can buy Injinji tsoks (not tsaks) at, and learn more about them here.

(Injinji, Tetratsok, CoolMax, and Lycra are all registered trademarks and hopefully they don't mind me using them...tell those lawyers to chill!)

- SD


  1. Ohmygod, this is FUNNY! Tsak. That's hilarious. Emma

  2. Hopefully CoolMax and Lycra are flexible enough to account for "shrinkage"! Most ultras start reaaaalllly early in the morning.

    I am forwarding this to everyone I know. It is too funny.


  3. Hee! Hee! So what's the "chick" equivalent to this "dude" product?

  4. Scott, you should do a story called "1001 OTHER uses for Body Glide". Along the same lines.

  5. Genius! That is all there is to it.

  6. That's great Scott! But personally, I've done just fine with duct tape.... not! Marty

  7. Absolutely hilarious! Nice work, Scott!

    - Janet

  8. Sorry Anonymous, but duct tape...ewww.

    I'm not crazy about toe socks but some like them but not being a guy guess I really can't say yeah or nay on the other idea. But very interesting.

  9. I'd wear one. I love their socks and am sorry ittook so long to try them. Anything beyond 26.2 or offroad practically requires them...

  10. Bwaaahhaahahahaaa! Where do I buy one??? :)

  11. I'm in.

    Let's get the prototype ready.

  12. Hmm... very interesting...

    what are the options?


  13. Is it available in petite sizes?

  14. What if you only have one?.. like Lance? The shrinkage factor is another thing and the heat issue is another. Haha.. good one! I needed a laugh today.

  15. I for one could have used this product on my last race.

  16. actually this is available here:


  17. This is definitely something new!

  18. This is not just a joke, yet very funny, especially the picture. I have been looking for a product, because on anything over 3 hours I get a real bad rash on the "underside". This is really hard to talk about, but you brought it up beautifully. I was glad to see the website for Saxx Apparel and may make a purchase; anything is worth a try. Has anyone out there gave this a try, and does anyone else have trouble wearing spandex? It helps me with between the legs chaff, but does murder on the area of discussion.

  19. I just found this dated post, but I have created underwear that solve this problem. Not as anatomically correct as Injinji, but provides comfort and separation. It has been quoted as "vibrams for the family jewels" and good for any sport but also the winner of "B.I.G." Best New Running Product for 2011.
    Happy Trails All,
    Chris Varney
    RÜEZ, Inc.


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