My thanks to all the runners who have been interviewed, left comments, and shared their stories and passion for the outdoors. It's your feedback and humility that has made this site so unique.
Special thanks to Drew Limsky and the Forbes crew for giving us props! I'll fill out the oodles of paperwork to get your "best of" logo officially on the site. ;oP
Here's the review:
"A Trail Runner's Blog
Scott Dunlap's blog of trail running, marathons and triathlon racing in the United States reflects the mindset of an enthusiast rather than a fanatic. Dunlap's writing style is casual, lucid and pleasingly narrative. His description of his first handicapped trail race along California's Dipsea Trail, "Doing the Double Dipsea," is characteristically colorful. Of this race, where runners enter in waves according to their level of fitness, Dunlap warns "Be careful of the dizzying uneven steps at the turnaround in Mill Valley, taking your time on the extremely steep Cardiac and Suicide Hills." Almost an accidental authority, trophy-winner Dunlap, who started running trails and triathalons in 2001, tends toward the disarming--an admission that he runs so he can eat as much as he wants. The site is well laid out with monthly archives going back to February 2004 as well as a listing of previous posts making them easily accessible. There are also links to an impressive roster of completed and upcoming events such as the Haulin' Aspen Trail Marathon that takes place in August.
BEST: Blog makes accessing a profile of blind marathoner Sharlene Wills as easy as pulling up an interview with running legend Dean Karnazes.
WORST: In the otherwise dependable index, the listed entries in the Fiction category were not available for viewing when we visited."
[I'll be honest, those links were broken at the time...busted!]Thanks, SD
No surprise, man. Keep it coming! Charlie1
ReplyDeleteYeah!!!!! I TOLD you it was good. - Emma
ReplyDeleteIt's the interviews!!!! Nobody does them quite like you. I think it really grabs the spirit of these super people, and that's one of the unique things about this sport. They are humble and courageous. Larry