Sunday, June 26, 2005

Doing the Double Dipsea

Last Saturday, I joined 330 other trail runners for the 30th running of the Double Dipsea, a rugged 13.7 mile out-and-back course along the famous Dipsea Trail north of San Francisco. This race was new for me in two ways. First, I had never tried the rugged, 676 step, 2200 vertical feet Dipsea Trail which is legend in the Bay Area (so why not do it twice?). Second, I had never tried a handicapped race, where runners start in “waves” to give older runners an equal chance to win. Knowing there are few things more humbling than having a 70-year-old kick your ass on some serious vert, I knew this race would be epic.

The Double Dipsea is one of three annual trail races along the dramatic Dipsea Trail. The original race (7.1 mile one way from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach) was a marketing event created to lure city folk out to the Dipsea Inn 100 years ago (check out these pics – nothing like trail running in a petticoat!), and they haven’t missed a year yet. Walt Stack, a local running hero, figured one way wasn’t enough, and worked with his club the Dolphin South End Runners (DSE) to create the Double Dipsea in 1970. The Double Dipsea is an out-and-back from Stinson Beach, run with same handicap style of the original Dipsea that encourages older runners to compete. If two isn’t enough, you can do the Quad Dipsea – 28.2 miles and 9200 vertical feet of quad-burning pain (just ask William Emerson, who won the Quad last year en route to his world record 17 ultra wins).

(Photo courtesy of Paul Mosel, Tom Ingersal, Fabrizio Strata, Wendy Newman, Martha Abbene)

From the moment you arrive at Double Dipsea registration, the sense of tradition and camaraderie are evident. Most runners have shared this experience 8-12 times already, and know every step, root, and crag by heart. The average age is even older than most ultra races – I would guess mid-50’s, with a solid showing of men and woman over 60 (who look awesome, btw). Everyone milled around at the beach, sharing stories of Walt Stack (who passed away in 1995), and speculating if a 53-minute head start would be enough for 68-year-old single Dipsea champion Russ Kiernan to hold off local speed demon Cliff Lentz, known to decimate this course at a sub 7-minute pace; or perhaps 2004 and 2003 overall winner 63-year-old Melody-Anne Schultz could repeat if she could stay ahead of Judy Rabinowitz, last years 2nd place female (and overall). Walt had beaten the young turks many times in his heyday, so this was a fitting memorial to keep Walt’s spirit alive. I asked the medics if they expected injury….”guaranteed…we brought extra stretchers”.

As I watched the first few “waves” head out, I got some tips from the experienced runners. They warned me to be careful of the dizzying uneven steps at the turnaround in Mill Valley, taking your time on the extremely steep Cardiac and Suicide Hills, and having your Tecnu ready for the miles of poison oak. Hmmm…maybe I should have studied that map a little closer. My age/sex put me with the “scratch” group (no handicap advantage), so we got to go last.

The Dipsea Trail leaves no time for warm up, and within a quarter mile all of us were chugging up the hills that wound endlessly into the thick, cruel fog that hid any sense of how much more is to come. Three runners in the "scratch" group took off like jackrabbits, and the rest of us spread out quickly. I soon appreciated the 55-degree weather as my heart rate went through the roof, and given the sound of heart rate monitor alarms going off behind me, I wasn’t the only one. The tipsters were right about the poison oak – a few sections were like a poison oak jungle, barely cut back from the narrow trail. But given the amount of vertical ahead that remained ahead of us, poison oak was the last of our worries.

I found a good pace along Ron Gutierrez, who had challenged himself to “just try and run the whole race” this year. A bold goal for the Dub-Dip, and one I definitely wasn’t going to be able to match up the steep stairs. As we traded off the lead (Ron on uphills, me on downhills), we began catching up to the runners from previous waves. Everyone was gracious about letting us pass (and shouting words of encouragement), as long as the narrow trails permitted. I learned quickly that you take your life in your hands if you try to pass outside the trails, as evidences by some fresh blackberry bush scrapes on my left leg.

As we crested Suicide Hill about 5 miles in, Russ the 68-year-old phenom came flying down the trail. Just a few minutes behind was Melody-Anne Schulz, taking the downhills like a champ. They were hauling ass! Ron and I joked that Russ didn’t need a 53-minute head start to beat us, and given his speed, that was probably true.

We climbed another mile up a road (seeing 4-5 more runners coming the other way) and then headed down the steps that weaved through the Mill Valley suburb. Everyone was out cheering on their moms/brothers/grandpas, helping get our minds off the hypnotizing steps that quickly switched from wood to stone, short to long, steep to flat, in no apparent order (this must be what the extra stretchers are for). As a reward for getting down, we got to turn around and go back up!

(One flight of the famed stairs of the Dipsea)

I checked my watch at the turnaround (1 hour, 2 minutes), and guessed I was in about 50th place, but with the handicap it’s hard to figure out who is really in front of you. All you can really do is go as hard as you can. I walked a good portion of the stairs on the way up, leaving plenty of energy for the downhill. As I hit Suicide Hill (now understanding its name comes from the downhill section) a bee stung my left arm so I had to take a few seconds to scrape the stinger out. One woman laughed as she ran by saying “A bee sting too? You’re having a epic Dipsea!”. True, indeed.

Aside from the blood and stinging, I felt strong on the second half. I kept seeing runners on nearby trails, so I asked a woman near me if we were lost. She explained that “some small shortcuts are allowed if you know where they are” - another advantage for the locals. My quads trembled as I headed down the last two miles of fun, but my inov-8 Flyrocks and Injinji tsoks were giving me plenty of traction down the muddy trail. I finished in 2:09 (48th), and chatted with the other muddy/bloody/exhausted runners. Russ the 68-year old had done it, just narrowly beating Judy Rabinowitz. Roy Rivers, 48, came in third, clocking the fastest non-handicap time with a blazing 1:45.

I jotted down some tips for next year (bring Tecnu, hit the stairmaster as part of training, and learn the “allowed” short cuts), and looked forward to the day that my age will give me a boost in starting position. I can only hope to improve enough to match the likes of Walt, Russ, and Judy!


Friday, June 24, 2005

Western States Endurance Run: ‘I know it’s going to hurt’ (Santa Cruz Sentinel)

To all of you running the Western States 100 tomorrow, be safe and have a great race. Julie Jag from the Sentinel wrote a great article below.

- SD

Western States Endurance Run: ‘I know it’s going to hurt’

Neatly typed on the training guide for the Western States Endurance Run are the words: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." If that’s true, then Lorraine Sorensen Lavelle must have amnesia.

After 11 100-mile races, Lavelle should know that running nearly four consecutive marathons is excruciating. But she keeps forgetting.

Already, she has forgotten the minor annoyances that come with dragging her body such a distance. She doesn’t make mention of the blisters on her blisters, which can make her shoes feel three sizes too small. Nor does she more than dimly recall the uncomfortable feeling of running in soggy socks after wading through 6 inches of snow or crossing a swollen river.

Even the memories Lavelle has of her past runs – like nearly falling asleep on her feet after 20 hours of running or having her stomach wretch at the sight of her food – don’t seem so bad in hindsight.

"There are several times during the 100 miles that I have said I’m never going to do it again," Lavelle concedes.

But she always finishes. And she always finds herself coming back for more, doomed to repeat her past.

Lavelle’s case isn’t an isolated one. At 5 a.m. on Saturday, she’ll join 450 runners for the start of the 32nd annual Western States 100-mile endurance run. These lucky runners (more than 1,000 apply for spots) will test the limits of their bodies and minds as they try to follow a backcountry trail from the Squaw Valley USA ski resort to the town of Auburn within the race’s 30-hour time limit.

"There are ravines in the middle. It’s steep and treacherous. It’s not for the faint of heart," said Trevor Strudley of Aptos, who will join Lavelle and two other Santa Cruz County runners — Terri Schneider and Peter Fish, also of Aptos — in their masochistic pursuit Saturday.

None of the four are new to this. Lavelle’s experience far outweighs the others’, but Schneider will be starting her fifth 100-miler, while Strudley and Fish will both be lined up for their second.

Their pursuit raises one big question.

"People ask, ‘Why do you do this?’" says Schneider, who has completed two of her three attempts to run the Western States 100. "It’s a reasonable question. But if you’ve done it, the real question is: ‘How could I not?’"

‘A freaky place’

"One-hundred-mile races are the toughest I’ve ever done. That’s saying a lot," says Terri Schneider.

The chair she’s sitting in at Lulu Carpenter’s café can barely contain the petite brunette, who is noticeably toned even under her rain gear. Energy surrounds her. She seems like a storm cloud ready to send out a bolt of lightning at any moment.

Schneider, 44, has spent a lifetime harnessing that energy. She ran her first marathon at 17. Soon afterward she became a professional triathlete, competing in 14 Ironmans, including eight championships in Hawaii. Of late, she’s become a goddess of adventure racing and now trains athletes for a living. Through it all, Schneider has become a master at selective memory.

"My friends laugh at me because I forget how hard things are," she says. "That’s the blessing of an endurance athlete. You forget the pain easily.

"But, I remember last year’s (Western States 100) race," she adds. "It was painful, big time."

Schneider had run the Western States twice before. The first time, in 1998, she had to swallow her pride after pulling a quadriceps muscle and walk the final 40 miles to the finish. Hoping to redeem herself, she ran it again in ‘99. That time her stomach revolted, forcing her to pull out of the race after she "bonked."

So when Schneider’s name was picked out of the lottery last year, she signed up right away. Bad luck struck again, though, as she suffered a back injury early in the training. Using exercises like pool running, cycling and weight training, plus just six weeks of trail running, she made the start. After physically and mentally exhausting herself, she came out the other end in less than 24 hours, winning a coveted Western States 100 silver belt buckle.

A better finish, but not a better race. So, Schneider is back to go through hell again.

"Athletes are so hard on ourselves. We tend to go to this place where we go to the dark abyss of self hatred," she said, noting that she’s been trying to infuse the power of positive reinforcement in her training. "If you don’t know how to manage that, it’s a pretty freaky place.

"That’s why I do this. It’s the challenge of keeping from going there."

Opening the door

Trevor Strudley could still feel the medal on his chest three days later as he headed home from the New York City Marathon in November of 1994. He was so smug he couldn’t help but brag a little to the woman seated next to him on his flight back to Britain, his home at the time.

"So you ran the marathon?" she asked. The gray was beginning to show in her hair and wrinkles had gathered around the edges of her eyes and lips.

"Yep," Strudley beamed.

"Oh," the woman said, casually flipping the page of her magazine. "I do double marathons."

Her response not only knocked Strudley’s ego down a few sizes, it introduced him to the idea that there’s something beyond a marathon. That’s when his memory started to go.

If she could do it, he could too, he reasoned. First it was 50ks (32 miles), then 50 milers. He ran his first 100 miler in Kansas last year. Now, he’s going to attempt the Western States, one of the toughest of the 34 North American hundreds.

"Each time you open the door, you find there’s another one behind it," the businessman from Wales, now the vice president of marketing for a cell-phone company, said of how he came to run 100-mile races.

The door to the Western States opened a crack a year ago when he witnessed its carnage first-hand as a pacer. At the 62-mile mark, when the sun sets and the brain begins to leak logic, runners are allowed to pick up a companion runner to keep them safe, motivated and headed toward the finish line. Strudley, 42, paced Santa Cruz’s Carol Cuminale. She will return the favor sometime early Sunday morning.

Amazingly, what Strudley saw didn’t dissuade him from entering the race. At one point, they came across a runner who had stepped off the trail path and straight into the bows of a large bush. Exhausted, the runner couldn’t even manage the strength to pull himself out. Later, they passed a woman who had become so dysfunctional that she didn’t know which way was forward.

The aid stations, places for respite, weren’t always much better.

"Some of these places looked like M.A.S.H. units," Strudley said. "Bodies are laid out and there’s blood everywhere."

Strudley wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s excited about seeing it all again, much less experiencing it himself.

"Excited is not the word," he said. "I’m looking forward to it, but part of it is I know it’s going to hurt."

To try to minimize the pain, Strudley set his goal at survival. If he makes it across the finish line within the 30-hour time limit, he’ll have made his goal. He’ll have survived 100 miles of hell. It will be something he’ll never forget.

"It’s something no one can take away from you," Strudley said. "You don’t wear it on your sleeve; you wear it in your heart."

No one needs to tell Peter Fish how tough the Western States 100 is. No need to mention how many things can go wrong, or to bring up the fact that, on average, only 50-60 percent of the entrants finish. Fish knows all this. Two years ago, he became another of the race’s casualties.

Fish became fixated on running the Western States after spending several boyhood summers at a cabin near Auburn. He promised himself he would have it completed by age 40. So when he turned 37 in 2001 and hadn’t run a race, much less the Western States, in 16 years, he decided he’d better get busy.

Good thing he planned ahead.

Injuries cropped up right away as his body, used to cycling, tried to adjust to the impact of running. The biggest problem was an Achilles heel that never seemed to heal.

But none of that caused Fish to wave the white flag after running nearly half the race. As he was coming out of one of the toughest climbs, his stomach turned on him. It wouldn’t let food or water in, and it pushed everything he’d gotten in back out. Without sustenance, he had no chance.

"Things were good, I felt good," Fish said of the early going. Then, "There is this place called ‘The Canyons’ where it drops a couple thousand feet. Climbing out, I got intestinal problems."

Already behind schedule, and worried that his crew – consisting of his wife Jennifer and his sons Aaron, now 11, and Ryan, now 8 – would be fretting over his whereabouts, he simply pulled out of the race.

At the time, he said, the decision was easy. After watching some of his fellow runners cross the finish line, he became a little less sure of his choice.

"I needed to quit and I quit," he said. "At the end, though, I saw people running in and I said to myself, ‘Dang, why didn’t I finish?’"

This time he’s determined, no matter how long it takes. He’s convinced this is something his body and mind can get through.

"I think they’re going to have to drag me off this time," said Fish, now 40, who will be running injured after hurting his right hip and hamstring while training. "Even if they cut my band and kick me out of the aid stations, if I feel good, I’m going to keep going. They can’t kick me off the trail."

Fish said the gold belt buckle he’ll get for finishing may be his first and last. His commitment to his kids, his wife and his work make the long training hours – he’s usually up at 5 a.m. to run before waking the boys for school – tough to manage.

"This is probably my last attempt, so I would like to finish," he said. "There’s just too much pressure with a family."

Lorraine Sorensen Lavelle laughs at this. Famous last words.

"They really are addictive," she says.

Selective memories
Lavelle is talking about her lowest moment, and she’s smiling.

It came in 2001 while she was running Utah’s Wasatch Front 100. That was the year she’d given up sports drinks and gotten hyponatremia – dehydration’s evil twin – because her body didn’t have enough salt and electrolytes to process the water she’d been pouring into it. Instead of losing weight, she gained 17 pounds. Her body began to swell to accommodate the extra water, making her hands so plump she couldn’t close them. Even worse, Lavelle’s brain began to engorge and push against her skull, causing loss of balance and logic.

She didn’t know where she was. She didn’t even know she was in a race.

"I thought we were running around in circles," Lavelle says, laughing. "A woman passed us up and my husband (Mike, who was pacing her) said, ‘You just let her pass you!’ And I said, ‘Good, maybe she can find the trail because I think we’re lost.’"

Lavelle seems to revel in that tale and the others that stem from her many close calls on the trail. She didn’t have stories like these 18 years ago, when she was a "partier," before some friends from the gym talked her into running, albeit in her aerobics shoes. She didn’t have them 10 years ago, before a friend convinced her to train for the Wasatch 100 after the summer trip to Europe she had planned fell through.

Back then, Lavelle felt like she’d been running in circles.

Like she was lost. Then she found a constant: the pain of endurance running. That led to another constant: the support of her husband. She met Mike on the course of one 100 miler and they were engaged after another.

Now, Lavelle feels there’s nothing she can’t do. After all, she has gone toe to toe with a race that challenges runners beyond comprehension both physically and mentally. And she hasn’t just come out alive, she’s finished within the course’s cutoff time, every time.

"It puts things in perspective," she says of racing 100s. "Many things you think area big deal are not such a big deal in life."

Like pain.

The runners say pain is only temporary. It’s the memory of finishing something they didn’t think they could that lasts forever.

Contact Julie Jag at
(Santa Cruz Sentinel, All Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

2005 Trail Runner Trophy Series Runners Feel the Heat (Trail Runner Magazine)

The latest update on the 2005 Trail Runner Trophy Series. The magazine is doing a super job keeping the scores up to date this year. You can see the complete standings here.

- SD


CARBONDALE, COLO., JUNE 14, 2005 – Half way through the 2005 Trail Runner Trophy Series, the overall titles are still up for grabs. Off-roaders who enjoyed generous early points leads now find themselves neck-and-neck with other runners whose race schedules started slow and have now hit peak season.

The Trail Runner Trophy Series is the largest trail-running series in the world. Sponsored by La Sportiva and other outdoor companies, the Trophy Series is a seven-month-long points-based competition with two categories: Marathon and Shorter Distances and Ultra Distances.

Chicks Rule

Are women physiologically better suited for ultra distances? If the latest Ultra Division standings are any indication, there may be some truth to the theory. The top four overall spots – and 7 out of the top 10 – are held by the “x chromosome.”

Bend, Oregon’s Kami Semick heads up the Ultra standings – which includes 2800 other trail ultrarunners – thanks to impressive performances at the Kettle Moraine 100K (Whitewater, Wisconsin), McDonald Forest 50K (Corvallis, Oregon) and the Miwok Trail 100K (Sausalito, Caliofornia). The 38-year-old Semick, who is married and has a three-year-old daughter, has only stepped up her trail ultrarunning in 2005. “I had run some 50K’s and marathons over the past couple of years, but decided to take it to the next level this year,” she says, “I picked the 100K distance [as my focus] because I think it will allow me to build a good base to graduate to the 100-mile distance next year.”

With her recent race performances, Semick overtook the previous leader, Connie Gardner of Medina, Ohio. Gardner has had a roller-coaster season and has recently found herself at a low point. While running another Trophy Series race, the Capon Valley 50K (Yellow Spring, West Virginia) in May, her leg began bothering her. “I got an x-ray and it confirmed a stress fracture in my femur,” explains Gardner. Still, don’t count out the seasoned trail veteran. She has tabled her plans to run this weekend’s Mohican 100 Trail Championship in hopes of recovering enough to have a good run at the June 25 Western States 100, another Trophy Series event.

Just beyond the top four female-dominated spots in the Ultra Division overall standings, 41-year-old James Kerby of Carnation, Washington, has snagged the top position in the men’s standings. The married computer engineer has piled on the miles during the first part of the trail ultrarunning season and enjoys a slim lead over two trail ultra legends, Eric Clifton (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and Karl Meltzer (Sandy, Utah). To date, Kerby—who is a member of the Montrail Ultrarunning Team—has hammered out impressive times at the Old Pueblo 50 (Sonoita, Arizona), March Mudness 100K (Portland, Oregon), Mt. Si 50K (Snoqualmie, Washington) and Miwok Trail 100K (Sausalito, California).

And what has been the highlight of Kerby’s Trophy Series surge? “I would have to say the Miwok 100K,” he says, “The race is everything it’s said to be – beautiful, tough trails and good margaritas at the finish.”

Kerby will need to put the pedal to the metal if he’s to hold his lead. Several major ultras linger on the schedule and, in addition to Clifton and Meltzer, several traditional stalwarts have not yet surfaced near the top – including six-time Western States 100 champion Scott Jurek.

Top 5: Trophy Series Ultra Division (Men)

  1. James Kerby, Carnation, WA, 472 points (4 races)
  2. Eric Clifton, Albuquerque, NM, 450 points (2 races)
  3. Karl Meltzer, Sandy, UT, 450 points (3 races)
  4. Patrick Benner, Superior, CO, 428.4 points (1 race)
  5. Kevin Dorsey, Cordova, TN, 422.6 points (3 races)

Top 5: Trophy Series Ultra Division (Women)

  1. Kami Semick, Bend, OR, 620 points (3 races)
  2. Connie Gardner, Medina, OH, 524 points (3 races)
  3. Sue Johnston, Waterford, VT, 500 points (2 races)
  4. Tracy Thomas, Champaign, IL, 500 points (2 races)
  5. Krissy Sybrowsky, Seattle, WA, 460 points (3 races)

Brunson Burner Ablaze

In the Marathon and Shorter Division, Angela Brunson of Los Angeles, California, continues her torrid streak. Brunson, 33, has scorched four Trophy Series races this season, with ambitious plans for more. Her top performances include age-group wins at the Bishop High Sierra 20-miler (Bishop, California), Catalina Marathon (Catalina, California) and Palo Alto Vista Trail Run Half Marathon (Palo Alto, California).

Such a hectic racing schedule might take a toll on many people, but Brunson seems unfazed thus far. “My body is absorbing the abuse quite nicely,” she says. In fact, Brunson has gone in search of some cross-training activities to complement the running, and has joined a roller-derby league.

Still, it doesn’t appear Brunson will skate easily to the Trophy Series title, as several women have recently gained ground in the overall standings. Tania Pacev, a 46-year-old trail blazer from Littleton, Colorado, is one of them. Says Brunson, “I had grown quite comfortable [with my Trophy Series points lead], and perhaps a bit too complacent since I’ve had a large lead for the past six weeks.” Look for Brunson to pick up the racing schedule in the coming months.

Like Brunson, Dale Reicheneder of Malibu, California, has enjoyed the Trophy Series Marathon and Shorter Division lead from the Series’ first weekend. He has been relentless in his pursuit of the title, flying across the country multiple times while racking up top race finished. He has flown 17,200 miles alone. Factor in driving miles and Reicheneder has traveled close to two-thirds of the way around the globe in his quest to win the Trophy Series title.

Reicheneder’s trail-running tales already could fill a short book and he conceded that 13 races in 3 1/2 months have tested his mettle. “I guess things are adding up this season,” he says, “so far a broken toe (got caught between two rocks), broken rib (collision with a mountain biker), rattlesnake strike (not a bite), wrong turns, lost luggage, a twisted ankle, blisters and heel bursitis.”

Despite his trail trials and tribulations, Reichender still enjoys a handsome lead. But his title is anything but safe. The top two finishers of the 2004 Trophy Series, Scott Dunlap (Woodside, California) and Michael Robbert (Littleton, Colorado), have collected big points and now have him in their sights, with many big races to come.

“In terms of points, we can catch him,” says Dunlap, “As long as Michael [Robbert] and I keep racing the longer distances, we’re definitely in the running. Dale [Reicheneder] is a self-proclaimed short-course guy.” Dunlap adds, “There’s always a risk of injury, too – not that I would ever wish that on any of my compatriots, but 25 races with travel can be tough on the body.”

Robbert remains cautiously optimistic. “[To catch Reichender] is going to take sticking to my schedule of races, some determination to place in them, and a bunch of luck.” In 2004, Robbert had a very heavy racing schedule, and 2005 is no different. “I have a pretty heavy schedule of races coming up with quite a few longer ones where the points can add up quickly.”

Top 5: Trophy Series Marathon & Shorter Division (Men)

  1. Dale Reicheneder, Malibu, CA, 469.2 points (11 races)
  2. Michael Robbert, Littleton, CO, 272.8 points (3 races)
  3. Scott Dunlap, Woodside, CA, 183.4 points (2 races)
  4. Bernie Boettcher, Silt, CO, 162 points (2 races)
  5. Christian Hendrickson, Denver, CO, 128.6 points (2 races)

Top 5: Trophy Series Marathon & Shorter Division (Women)

  1. Angela Brunson, Los Angeles, CA, 265.2 points (4 races)
  2. Tania Pacev, Littleton, CO, 204.8 points (5 races)
  3. Kathy White, Lakewood, CO, 162 points (2 races)
  4. Julie Ann Bergman, Boulder, CO, 150 points (2 races)
  5. Raz Estridge, Mrufreesburo, TN, 135.8 points, (3 races)

For complete standings, go to
(Press release from Trail Runner Magazine, All Rights Reserved)

Monday, June 20, 2005

Road Report on the Masters World Mountain Running Championships (Guest Blogger, Bernie Boettcher)

Guest blogger Bernie Boettcher sends in this report from racing with Masters World Mountain Running Championships in Keswick, England. Great job, Bernie!

Thanks, B!

- SD

Masters World Mountain Running Championships

Hello everyone,
Many of you have expressed an interest in the England race, so I thought I'd send along the account of the race I gave to sponsors, just for grins.

As some of you know, I ended up 20th in the Masters 40 - 44 at Worlds. I was the 25th runner to the top of the hill, and had the 16th fastest downhill time. Of all the Masters there in all the age brackets, I was 26th Overall. I was 38th overall going up, and 19th overall going down.

The weather was good, high 60's, breezy, intermitent clouds, but mostly sunny for the race. Heavy rains the day before made things humid. The course was a true test of mountain running skills. 11.5K looped course to the top of a mountain and back. About 2250 feet of elevation gain and loss.

(The mass start at Fitz Park, photo courtesy of

After a quick start across a soccer park (the leaders went out like maniacs!), we funneled into a sheep pasture. A gradual climb in the beginning through the pastures quickly turned dramatic as we entered a steep and narrow trail. There was a bit of elbowing going on as runners grappled for position on the rocky trail. One had to watch out for descending runners coming down the same trail as well. (Slower runners from previous races.) As we neared the halfway mark of the uphill, the course opened up into a marvellous sheep pasture flanked with stone fences. The view was spectacular! We ran on a choice of short grass, or stone trail and climbed over a rolling meadow to a gentle, short descent. That ended when we crossed a stream. From there, the trail climbed rather quickly on a dirt road 'til we'd gone about a quarter mile. Then it got serious.

The course took a hard left and traversed through a sheep pasture, up through a field of heather and high grasses. The trail had been wet from hard rains in previous days and some sections were a bit muddy. It got really steep! And then we took a right hand turn straight up the fall line and it got even steeper!!! To pass anyone, you had to bushwhack through calf high grass and tough heather plants that blanketed the slope, or just maintain your pace and try to hold your footing on the narrow, barely visible trail. It was hard to determine foot placement as the grass was very adept at hiding buried rocks or rooted mounds of grass. Ankles were a turning. As we neared the summit I was in 25th position and there was a line of about 10 runners spread out single file across 100 yards of hill in front of me. They were all walking.

Though I had passed about 10 people on the way up through the grasses from the dirt road, my lungs were at capacity and I struggled as well. At the top, we had to plug our computer chips into a hole to collect our times. It was a funky system, but it went quicker than I thought. From there, we crested the summit of Lonscale Fell and entered another sheep pasture on the back side of the mountain through a muddy, slick, winding trail that followed a marvellous stone fence row. At the bottom of that, we took a hard left and plunged down an off-camber slope on a grassy/muddy trail where the footing resembled a field of wet grass covered with tennis balls.

And did I mention it was steep!?

Well, it was...and then it got steeper!!! We rolled out onto a stone covered 4-wheeler trail that went virtually straight down the hill. The rocks were a mixture of small flat chunks of slate on the sides, combined with marble sized round ball-bearings in the middle, interspersed with embedded granite-like cantalopes throughout, and random piles of each of these anywhere, anytime. It was as steep as the steepest sections on the Imogene Pass Run for at least a mile long. (Over 20% grade in some places.)

My liver and bladder hammered their way into my left and right shoe by the time I got down.
At the very bottom of this, when your calves and hamstrings and quads were screaming with pain and the blisters on your heels had grown to the size of silver dollars and were ready to pop, they put in a short, albeit steep, little uphill to slow you down a bit.

I passed 7 runners on the hairy descent, but by the time we crested the little uphill, one was hot on my heels. We ran back down across a cow pasture along another stone fence row on flat ground, and he slipped past as my right heel blister popped. The burning sensation lit me up like matchsticks but I tried to hang on. There were five runners hot on my tail as we descended a steep and narrow winding trail. I was trying to maximize every turn by cutting hard to the inside as I entered, and powering out the far side as I came out. This worked well, except the sides of the trails were covered with thorny bushes. My legs were bloody with thorny wounds. Fortunately, so many other things were hurting worse that I barely noticed.

At the bottom of this section, we crossed a highway overpass. That little hill about killed me. Everything started to lock up. I could hear one runner right behind me and as we dropped over the other side for a short street section, he was right on my shoulder. I tried to hold on as we wiggled down a skinny footpath, but then we entered an open park for a short climb up a grassy hill and he passed me.

At the top, I could see the finish line and the hundreds of spectators lining the course on either side. My legs were done, as if barbed ropes were limiting their movement. They gave us a fast descent into the field and the people were cheering...for the guys behind me! I grimaced with every inch of my being and sprinted for the line, fully expecting to get passed. I didn't. I held for 20th. Two runners tied for 21st just 4 seconds back. I heard some lady at the finish line say, "My, he really looks like he's suffering, doesn't he?"

I had a good race. It was not one of those great days for me, but I had a good day in which I don't think I could've run any faster than I did. I think I ran the technical sections of the downhill as fast as I've ever run downhill before, and the rest of the race was solid for me. I never quit trying to pass people.

That being said, two Masters runners from Scotland, one from Ireland, one from Gibraltar, one from Italy (the winner), and 14 runners from England beat me. 14 from England!!! (27 countries entered.) In the USA, trail running is pitifully far behind. These guys (and girls) love to run downhill...and uphill. The depth of good runners was remarkable to see. They have more running clubs than we have runners. It's kind of amazing.

They have awesome terrain to run on over there, but so do we. It's a shame we don't take advantage of it.

Curious note: No one wears hats. I was the only one in my race with a hat on. Also, no one wears sunglasses. I was also the only one with sunglasses on, even though it was sunny out.

It was fun.

Gotta run,

Where Does All The Money Go? (Cool Runnings)

Found this on Cool Runnings from Dave McGillivray at DMSE. Great article.

- SD

Where Does All The Money Go?

By Dave McGillivray
Posted Sunday, 12 June, 2005 on Cool Runnings

Where Does All The Money Go?

Ever wonder exactly where your entry fee goes after you enter a road race? Producing road races has become a significant business that comes with a lot of risk along with a lot of hands in the till. The days of simply throwing down a chalk mark in the road, yelling out “ready, set, go”, letting the 200 or so runners fend for themselves as they weave through traffic jams they actually caused themselves and then finally handing a popsicle stick with a number (place) on it to runners crossing the finish line…are long gone.

Here, however, are the days where producing a road race is more about insurance, liability, medical coverage, media, security, technology, computers, charities, food and entertainment and less about road cones, ribbons and tear off stubs as in the good old days. And, of course, all this “new stuff” just costs more and more and more money. Additionally, where and when the race is held also contributes to the ever-increasing expense of an event. The days where “everyone” involved offered his or her services free of charge are also gone.

How many road races have you gone to in the last few years are just that…road races? Most, if not all, are fundraisers for one cause or another. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just a fact. As such, there is a lot of pressure on event directors to either increase the revenue or decrease the expenses (or both) in order for the event to be deemed successful. Interestingly, nowadays many races are being measured by not by how well managed they were or whether the participants had a positive experience but rather by how much money they raised for their beneficiary. It’s a whole new world with much different objectives and much different priorities.

When I am approached by a prospective client to produce a race for them, my first question is…. why do you want to do this? The most common response nowadays is “to raise money for xyz cause”. My typical reply usually is that it is a lot less painful and much less risky to hold a car wash or cake sale and you may even raise more money doing that then delving into the complexity of road race management.

Without corporate sponsors, whether cash, product or services, it is virtually impossible to “make money” conducting a road race. Each race is different, of course, and as such, incurs different expenses. However, every race must deal with standard expenses in order to produce a half decent product. Typically, some of those expenses include but are certainly not limited to:

Advertising Port-o-johns
Bib Numbers Printing
Equipment RentalRefreshments
Management FeesSupplies
Medical Timing and Scoring

I have found that generally, entry fees can usually cover reasonable event expenses. It’s the cash sponsorship that ultimately makes the difference in an event generating proceeds or not and giving the event the capability of possibly paying management fees. Without cash sponsorship, the chances of the event making any money is pretty slim in most cases.

If you do an analysis of how a $20.00 entry fee is expensed out per person in say a 500 runner field size race, it might look like this:

Direct Costs/RunnerIndirect Costs/Runner
* T-shirt $4.00* Printing $1.50
* Chip timing $1.00* Police $2.00
* Chip rental $1.00 * Medical $1.00
* Chip mats $1.00 * Port-o-johns $1.00
* Bib number $0.30* Advertising $2.00
* Postage $0.50* Equipment $2.00
* Insurance $1.00
* Food $2.00
TOTAL: $10.80TOTAL: $9.50


So, as you can see, that $20.00 gets gobbled up real fast. Now, this is just a sample, not an actual. Every race is different but this should give a little clarity as to “where all the money goes!”

The somewhat difficult decision many times that event directors face from year to year is what to actually charge for an entry fee. You need to cover costs but you don’t want to charge so much that you will actually be scaring people away. That delicate balance sometimes is the difference between the race surviving or the race going in the tank. It doesn’t do anyone any good if a race “loses” money as the end result is that the race is simply going to disappear, never to return. It is very rare that an event makes a “killing” off of entry fees and thus the need for corporate sponsorship.

When you think about what it might cost to go to a ball game or to a concert these days, a $20-$25 entry fee seems to me to be a pretty reasonable investment in return for all the items and services mentioned above…plus the opportunity to participate in an event that is very challenging to organize but one where when you finish you usually go home feeling so good about yourself. Arguably, that single return in and of itself is priceless.

Dave McGillivray
DMSE, Inc.
(Dave McGillivray and Cool Runnings, All Rights Reserved)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Trail running series looks bigger than ever (Summit Daily News)

[If you're looking for the article on Kristin Armstrong, click here]

Looks like the Nike Summit Trail Series is picking up...

- SD

Trail running series looks bigger than ever

By Devon O’Neil
summit daily news

June 2, 2005

BRECKENRIDGE — It’s hard to believe, considering last summer’s exponential growth, but this year’s Nike Summit Trail Running Series could be twice as big as it has ever been.

To wit: Breckenridge recreation coordinator Diane McBride, who spearheads the town of Breck’s organizational efforts in putting on the series, said that last year she received about 30 registrations for the six-race series. This year, she said she’s already gotten 103 runners signed up for all six races.

Photo by Summit Daily/Brad Odekirk
Runners take off at the beginning of last year's Golden Horseshoe race in the trail running series. Summit Daily/Brad Odekirk

McBride noted that some of the increase can be attributed to more runners committing to the entire series, instead of doing it race by race. Nonetheless, the largest field ever to compete in a single race is 94 runners, and this year’s numbers indicate that record might not last past Wednesday’s series opener at the Baker’s Tank trail.

The growth is even more spectacular when you consider that just two years ago, fields sometimes hovered around 20 or 30 runners — on a good day.

“Obviously last year it had grown,” McBride said, “but no, I definitely didn’t expect this in such a short period of time.”

Much of the increase is due to an influx of Front Range participants, who often take off early from work to make the series’ 5:45 p.m. starts.

Nike Summit Trail Series Schedule
Box: Nike Summit Trail Series Schedule
For registration, info: (970) 453-1734

• June 8 — Baker’s Tank Loop
• June 29 — Flumes
• July 6 — New Nordic World
• July 20 — Breck Ski Resort
• Aug. 10 — Horseshoe Gulch
• Aug. 24 — Carter Park/French Creek
Summit’s series has grown so much, in fact, that it has spawned another of its kind down the road in the metro-area foothills.

McBride said one of the Front Range runners who couldn’t get enough of the Nike series last year has put together a four-race series of his own this year, with races taking place in locales such as Golden, Evergreen and Littleton. They are on Wednesdays when the Summit series is not holding a race.

As usual, the Nike races will complement the 19th annual A Racer’s Edge Summit Mountain Challenge seven-race mountain biking series, which also holds its races on Wednesdays (except for Sunday’s series opener), so versatile local athletes will always have a hump-day competition to look forward to.

McBride said in addition to Nike’s continuing support of the Summit series, new sponsors include Black Diamond, a marriage which came about through Roch Horton, the former Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center stalwart who now works for Black Diamond.

This year’s series will feature a course selection almost identical to last summer’s. The only notable variation will be at the New Nordic World race (No. 3 of the six), which will start at the Breck Ski Resort instead of down near town hall.

Devon O’Neil can be contacted at (970) 668-3998, ext. 231, or at
(Summit Daily, All Rights Reserved)

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Game: Spalding 'True' To New Effort; Extreme Sports Flying High (Brand Week)

[If you're looking for the article on Kristin Armstrong, click here]

Caught these trail runner stats in this article from Brand Week. Not as big as paintball, apparently, but still big. ;-)


The Game: Spalding 'True' To New Effort; Extreme Sports Flying High
June 06, 2005

SPALDING plans to leverage its 129-year-old heritage with a "True to the Game" campaign that seeks to unify its equipment and sports marketing message with both corporate partners and consumers.

The effort will begin to reach consumers in the fourth quarter on TV and in print, via Winstanley, Lenox, Mass., with an ad spend expected to exceed 2004's $1.5 million, per Nielsen Monitor-Plus. But the new tag and a new icon, an "S" in a circle above the Spalding logo, will immediately be incorporated into promos, packaging and online. Under the auspices of parent company Russell Corp., Spalding, American Athletic and Huffy Sports were united last year to create the Spalding Group, with $400 million in worldwide trademark sales, per Russell. "True to the Game" is its first effort touting a unified message.

"Consumers are familiar with the name Spalding, but they see a fragmented image," said Dan Touhey, vp-marketing. "We have more than 70 licensees worldwide. Up to this point we haven't done a very good job of unifying the message and in the consistency of the brand. This will be the bow that ties everything together."

Spalding, Springfield, Mass., has licensing deals with several sports entities, including the Arena Football League, NCAA, Major Indoor Soccer League and Pop Warner. But its alliance with the NBA and WNBA will remain front and center. "The NBA is the cornerstone of our platform, and we are looking for ways to work even closer with the league," said Touhey.

Spalding, which in December signed an eight-year exclusive equipment contract with the NBA, plans to work with the NBA Players Association to further expand its pro basketball relationship. The effort will be "print heavy," according to Touhey. A media buy is still to be determined, but likely will include such sports-centric and basketball-heavy mags as SLAM, ESPN, Inside Stuff, Sports Illustrated for Kids and Dime. "We have the heritage, authenticity, performance and quality," said Touhey. "This will represent the best of what Spalding has to offer as we move forward."

Gone Extreme

Extreme sports continue to grow in popularity. Inline skating, skateboarding and paintball totaled nearly 40 million participants in 2004 (17.3 million, 11.5 million and 9.6 million, respectively), according to a new report, Superstudy of Sports Participation. The survey of 25,000 people was conducted by American Sports Data, Hartsdale, N.Y. The top 10 list also includes (in millions): artificial wall climbing (7.6), snowboarding (7.1), trail running (6.5), mountain biking (5.3), wakeboarding (2.8), BMX bicycling (2.6) and mountain/rock climbing (2.2).

The report uncovers other stats of interest. Overall participation in paintball has grown by more than 60% since 1998, from 5.9 million to 9.6 million in 2004; and overall participation in trial running has grown nearly 25%, from 5.2 million to 6.5 million. The average age of an artificial wall climbing enthusiast last year was 20.2 years, of a BMX cyclist 24.7 years and of a mountain/rock climber 22.7 years.
(Brand Week, All Rights Reserved)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The American Wild West - Running the Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Marathon

[If you're looking for the article on Kristin Armstrong, click here]

Last weekend, Christi and I took four days to travel to Deadwood, SD, for some sightseeing and the Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Marathon. We’re big fans of the Deadwood HBO Series, so when the DMT Marathon was added to the Trail Runner Trophy Series, we signed up right away. The trip turned out to be more fun, mysterious, and magical than we ever could have imagined….and that’s before the race even started.

I know we’re cheesy because a show on HBO helps us choose a race, but hey, that show rocks! If anything we had to go just to see if everyone really used the word “cocks@#$cker“ 100 times a day (thank god, they don’t), visit the historic Gem Theater, and gather any historical facts that might give a hint to the future plot line for the show (one hint - “eegads, Deadwood is burning! Again!”). But it wasn’t JUST the TV show that attracted us - we also knew the Badlands, Black Hills, and Spearfish Canyon would create an inspirational canvas for Christi’s digital camera. And that, my friends, did not disappoint.

The Badlands

Nothing could have prepared us for the supernatural world of the Badlands. As soon as we entered the Badlands National Park, the rental car screeched to a halt as we dropped our jaws and stared like zombies as the sun set over these painted, barren hills. The colors and texture seemed of another planet, both peaceful and frightening, stirring the soul at some deep, unknown level. So, of course, I strapped on my running shoes. ;oP

(Photo by Christi Dunlap, All Rights Reserved)

The Badlands were named so by the Lakota, who called it “mako sica”, meaning “land that is difficult to cross”. You certainly find out why as soon as you stray from the trails or road. I was surprised to find out that none of the park is off limits (just don’t mess with the animals or fossils) – you can even run right up the moonrock mountain tops. If you can get there, that is.

I found the trails and roads to suffice just nicely. Running in the Badlands is amazing. The skies are still, the horizon seems limitless, and the colors shift every second as you run through prairies filled with wildflowers to infinite stretches of jagged red peaks. It is a land of extremes. As the sun set, we knew we would be back again before the trip was done, if only to suck up its mystery for a few more hours.

(Photo by Christi Dunlap, All Rights Reserved)

The Other Touristy Stuff

Nobody loves touristy stuff like Christi (you should see our coozie collection), so we hit it all. We checked out Mt. Rushmore, which was cool. It was bit disturbing to see the faces of four white guys carved into the Black Hills, one of the most sacred Native American lands around. You feel a bit better when you go 30 more miles to the Crazy Horse Memorial, which dwarfs Mt. Rushmore in scale, ambition, and impact. It’s amazing to hear about the dedication of the Ziolkowski family that will spend many generations finishing this, started by a man who knew he would never see it to completion. We later found bison in Custer State Park, eagles in the Spearfish Canyon, ghost stories and graves of the American West, and anything you could ever want at Wall Drug, the craziest drug store (and billboard marketing strategy) I’ve ever seen. We would recommend all of it.

Deadwood is a thriving little town these days, thanks to a 1989 law that made low-stakes gambling legal again to help raise funds to rebuild the town (a recurring theme in the history of Deadwood). Our favorite spots were the Bullock Hotel, Saloon #10 (get a pint of Moosedrool – good stuff), the Deadwood Social Club Restaurant (best choice for non-meat eaters or cheesecake lovers), and Jake’s at the Midnight Star (Kevin Costner’s “Me Wall” has three stories). And if $2.99 giant chicken fried steak is your game, you will have your choice of fare up and down Main Street.

The Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon

The weather worked out perfectly for the 1,600 participants in the DMT, with the canyon walls providing plenty of shade along the sunny course. The Mickelson Trail is a “rails-to-trails” location, meaning it’s a former railroad covered with hard pack dirt to make a multi-purpose trail similar to Bizz-Johnson. This also means the course is fast, and very “road runner friendly” for a trail run. It also means the super-speedy road racers would be out in force.

On the bus ride out, I spoke with Robin and Katie Harbage, a crazy running couple from Chagrin Falls, OH. Both were working on their “50 marathons in 50 states”, throwing in a few hundred milers like Western States and Leadville along the way just for fun. Their eagerness and sense of adventure captured the spirit of most of the runners that morning, who were excited to get started. We talked about the course a bit – 13 miles of up, followed by 13 miles of down in a point-to-point section of the Mickelson Trail – and that the scenery was set to be epic.

I had seen Michael Robbert the day before, giving congratulations for his win at the Wyoming Marathon the Saturday previous. He looked ready-to-roll, very recovered from the previous week. We saw each other at the starting line, along with Brian Bergt, Scott Walschlager, and Michael Streff – three fast road runners who we would soon find out were in a league all of their own.

As the gun went off, we ran abou ½ mile down the road to find the Mickelson Trail. I found a comfortable pace around 7:15/mile, which put me around 8th place. The three front runners disappeared by the second mile, clocking well under a 6:40 mile up the hill. I chugged steadily, hoping my long recovery from Big Basin had given me some staying power. By the 14-mile point, I couldn’t see anyone in front or in back of me, so I cranked up the tunes (Janes Addiction – Strays) and leaned forward to let gravity help out as much as it could. The volunteers kept telling me I was in fourth place, so I had clearly been distracted by the gorgeous views and cheering spectators. But given the amount of space in front and behind me, there was a pretty good chance this was going to be my finish place if I could hold it together.

It turns out it wasn’t “all downhill” on the second half, and a few uphill and flat segments reminded me that although downhills seem easy, they do take their toll too. But before too long, the mountain bike escorts picked me up around mile 25 and guided me into downtown Deadwood for a 3:06 finish good enough for 4th place. Lucky for me the pack of front runners were all 40 or older (and still kicking my ass), so I got the age group win. Michael Robbert wasn’t too far behind me, and picked up a top 10 finish and age-group win as well, finishing in 3:15.

(Photo by Christi Dunlap, All Rights Reserved)

As much as I wanted to hang around and cheer on the other finishers, we had to dash out to catch a flight back home (note to self for booking next year…the race is on SUNDAY, not Saturday). We were all smiles on the way back, recounting all of the activities we packed into a four-day trip. My thanks to Jerry Dunn and all the great volunteers at the DMT, and the gracious people of South Dakota. I would highly recommend this destination race to everyone.

- SD

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

In My Nature - A City Girl Explores a Trail and Finds Herself (Runner's World)

Here's the article from Runner's World. - SD

In My Nature - A city girl explores a trail and finds herself
by: Kristin Armstrong, July issue, 2005

If I'm going to try something new, the school-girl nerd in me likes proper instruction. I prefer to be surrounded by people more knowledgeable, intuitive, insightful, interesting, funny, or faster than me. So I couldn't delve into Trail Running 101 with just anyone.I flew to Woodside, California (35 miles south of San Francisco), to try off-roading with Scott Dunlap, the husband of Christi, one of my childhood friends. Scott is one of the most eclectic cats I know--he's freaky smart, a Stanford MBA-type who can converse with equal fluidity about high-tech algorithms, musical compilations, or pop culture from no-man's-land. Scott fell off the workaholic treadmill after he made a fortuitous decision to back out of a meeting near the World Trade Center on 9/11. Relief brought guilt. And guilt brought depression. He quit his job and sank into a slump.

Christi did what any woman of reason would do: She bought a dog, a pug named "Rocky." And she went to work, leaving her scruffy hubby to contend with him. Pugs typically don't run, since their squished-up faces aren't conducive to air intake. But Rocky was rowdy and had to be worn out. This inspired explorations of the trail network outside Scott's front door. Chasing Rocky led to fitness. Fitness led to freedom. And freedom led to peace. Scott found a new passion--running--and some serious talent. He competed in more than 14 races last season, including three marathons, and ran a half-marathon PR of 1:14.

Scott always runs alone. The trails are his personal sanctuary. We all have our private places, so I was honored by the invitation to join him.The month leading up to my visit, Scott tested my Girly Meter with e-mails about losing a toenail, his eternal case of poison oak, and odd places to find ticks. He once sent a postrace photo of a dude with gory red streaks down the front of his shirt with the subject line of "Nipple Chafing." To which I replied: "Nursed twins. Next?"

But my bring-it-on attitude was short-lived. Before starting our adventure, we stopped at the trailhead at Skyline Trail in Huddart Park to check for postings of mountain-lion sightings. Zikes! The only thing I check before a run in Austin is the heat index. And that's scary enough for me.

I reminded myself that I was in good hands. After all, Scott packed munchies and a fancy electrolyte drink that would surely help me outrun any lion.We started running, and I felt my inexperience as I tried to keep up. My breathing was uneven, and I fumbled for my stride. I took in my surroundings in choppy, blurry Blair Witch visuals.

"Don't follow my footsteps," Scott said. "You have to pick a path for yourself. What works for me probably isn't best for you." He let me take the lead, and my confidence grew. We did a three-miler intro the first day and a burly 13-miler the next. I sidestepped roots and rocks instead of curbs and recycle bins. The sound of my slapping size 9s was softened by a cushion of pine needles, leaves, and soft earth. Nature's hum begot blessed silence, my mind was lulled to a state of peace. This was a holy space, graced by a canopy of grand pine, redwood, oak, and madrone trees. Raindrops landed emphatically and beaded on my vest. I drank in the scene, so unknowingly thirsty for a departure of this kind.

Scott asked if I could feel the oxygen here. Most of my runs are in 100-percent humidity, so yes, I could definitely feel the air, all the way to my toes, pal.I am 33 years old, but I felt like a child, young and light on my feet. Why do we forget the things we love? I used to love playing outside, engaging in imaginary games. At home I love running because the monotony and the pace unravel the knots within. Strangely, here I grew unaware that I had knots, so engrossed in the moment that my own identity was subdued. I embraced my own bit part in the scene, the whole play in general. Nothing like a big fat redwood tree, hundreds of years old, to illustrate just how transitory our problems, and our lives, really are.

The rain picked up and I walked most of a steep 1.5-mile hill. I loved the cold drizzle and my Rasta-tangle ponytail.I began the descent daintily, self-consciously, picking my way around puddles. This led to a high-speed, deliberate sloshing into a full-blown, shoe-sucking bog screaming "YAHOOOOOOO!" unabashedly into the face of the forest.

We got back in the pickup and sat in silence for a moment until Scott said, "You weren't as much of a chick as I thought." I flipped down the visor mirror and checked my bad self out. I pointed out that my waterproof mascara and long-lasting pink lip gloss had held up remarkably well. He sighed, and we headed home.

I still have a lot to learn about trail running, but I gathered this much:
Pretty view? Stop and see.
Hungry? Have a snack.
Thirsty? Drink.
Long hill? Walk.
Treacherous footing? Slow down.

The lesson wasn't lost on me. This isn't just how to run, it's how to live.Flying home, I was giddy about my new crush. Trail running and I agreed to keep in touch and pursue this thing to see where it goes. I'm celebrating the birth of a new passion, built on the faithful reverence of the old. Happy trails.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Welcome To The Wild – Trail Running with Kristin Armstrong

When Kristin Armstrong e-mailed me to say she would be coming out to Woodside, CA, to do an article on trail running for Runner’s World, it felt oddly “official”. Don’t get me wrong – I was privileged to have one of my favorite writers from the world’s biggest running rag come join me for her first foray into the woods. But I’ve known Kik for over a decade as one of my wife’s dearest friends, long before the world found her writing talents, or the trails found me. I was worried that the official nature of “contributing editor meets trail running champion” might compromise her first trail running experience.

(Paige Alum and Kristin Armstrong at the 2006 Boston Marathon)

Not that anything could ever rain on Kik’s parade. She has braved more in the last six years than all of Oprah’s guests put together – loved ones with cancer, a whirlwind rise to fame, in vitro, being pregnant in a foreign country, twins, divorce, and more. On so many occasions she has risked everything for love, and won. Not to mention she’s a hottie – anytime I enter a room with Kik, Christi (my wife), and the rest of their strong-and-sexy friends, every eye in the place is wondering who the hell I am (which in a sick pimp vibe sort of way, I enjoy tremendously). On top of it all, Kik knows more lowbrow jokes than anyone. How a woman with that mix like that can stay single is beyond me.

If you ever get the pleasure of meeting her three children, you’ll know everything you need to know about Kik. Bella, one of her twin 3-year-old girls, leads the troop into everything with no fear whatsoever. Grace, the other twin, is the “girly” one, inquisitively present, and never, ever forgetting her purse. Luke, her 5-year-old son, is curious, sensitive, and as good a friend as anyone could ask, but not afraid to defend his ladies with a karate kick or T-rex roar should you step out of bounds. Together, they welcome their closest friends as family, and given the amount of shelf space those kids get in our living room, the feeling is mutual. Just add some potty humor (which I am CERTAIN is coming), and you pretty much have Kik in a nutshell.

So why am I nervous about our first trail run? She’s been running for years, and I know a few hills aren’t going to scare her off. She may be a “chick” and wear lip gloss and mascara, but she’s donned her colors and braved the boroughs of the New York Marathon. Do I really think a Texas mother of three is going to be humbled by a run through the redwoods?

Then I realize it’s not her that I’m worried about, it’s me. Trail running is my sanctuary, my church, that which feeds my soul. It is the daily ritual that helps me find my place in this world, and has become such a part of me that it's hard to say where I end and the trail begins. I NEED her to be humbled by the trails. The thought of Kik summarizing the experience as “ho hum” could be devastating, and being a typical guy, emotional vulnerability doesn’t sit well. But I respect the trail running experience enough to know this – it cannot be taught or explained, but only experienced. I can only hope that she and Mother Nature have so much in common that the bond will be instant.

(Views from Purisma Creek)

Upon Kik’s arrival, Mother Nature wasn’t playing along as much as I had hoped. It hadn’t stopped raining for days, and the mercury held steady at 48 degrees. Perfect for an Oregonian like me, but not so sure for the Texas flower. We had decided on doing two runs - one short intro course in Huddart Park on Saturday, followed the next day by one grueling, hilly 10-miler in Purisima Creek that would take us through all the cliffs, creeks, and redwoods that make Northern California such a mecca for trail running.

Come Saturday morning, she didn’t shy away from the conditions, and showed up for breakfast in her rain gear (and lip gloss and mascara, natch). As we walked out towards the trails, I was unsure how to begin. Should I wax poetic about how the philosophy of life can be found in a trail? Or maybe just offer a few tips so that she doesn’t face plant? Perhaps I should just shut up and let her experience the whole thing fresh, like most of us do. I recalled my first trail digger (ugly, complete with enough poison oak to be banished from the bed for many moons) and figured it would be best to start with a few tips. At a minimum, I should do the road-to-trail conversion.

“A couple of things to note right away that will be different from road running,” I explained, “mile splits, pacing, your watch, all that self-enforced training means nothing now. The trail is always new and unexpected, and one mile can be much more difficult than the next. You must understand what your body is capable of, and run from the heart.”

Damn. So much for not waxing poetic.

Kik didn’t need much help, and it only took a few steps before her senses were in overdrive. I could hear her drawing the oxygen-rich air deep into her lungs, smelling the saturated earth, and stomping through the puddles amidst the deafening curtain of rain. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, but she was really having a good time. That is, until we hit the first climb – apparently 12 degree hills aren't as common in Austin, TX, so this 500’ climb was met with some trepidation. She tackled it like a trooper, but not without letting me know she wasn’t a fan of hills. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that tomorrow’s run ended with a 1.5 mile, 1800’ beast….probably best to leave that until tomorrow.

As we huffed up the small river known as “my driveway” to finish off run #1, I smiled at the specks of mud that covered Kik from head to toe. The Texas flower was probably as muddy as she had ever been, but wasn’t bothered by it one bit. All she said was “so you get to do this EVERY day?”. A quick shower later, and she was snuggled up on the couch with Christi and Rocky (the pug) sharing stories of her adventure, letting the warm fire dry out her pruned fingers. I was glad she had fun, but had secretly hoped to witness more of a connection on a spiritual level. Perhaps then, I would know nature had humbled her like it did me.

(More views from Purisima Creek)

Well, run #2 was going to humble her one way or another. Out of respect for my fellow trail runners, I put together a 10-mile, 2500’ vertical foot tour of the upper end of Purisima Open Space Preserve that had it all – views of the Pacific, gnarly single track, creek crossings, redwoods, and a hill that has brought me to my knees on many occasions. I had debated whether this was too cruel for a newbie trail runner, but hey, isn’t being humbled by the terrain half the fun? As the rain poured down (AGAIN), we slipped on our slightly damp shoes and set out again.

Kik’s stride was more aggressive this time, already comfortable with the muddy terrain. I could sense the “Bella” in her trying to get out, and stepped aside to let her lead. Her natural tempo slowly took shape as she stopped watching my footing and discovered her own. We ran quietly, stopping for a few views before tearing down the hillside into the dense wild of the valley. As we entered the redwood canopy, I saw her let herself go for just a moment. Her hand reached out, subconsciously, to grace the dew on the mountain ferns as she looked up at the first growth redwood giants, pulling in a breath so deep I think she surprised herself. Yet she didn’t stop running.


From that point on, she was all smiles. When the beast-of-a-hill came, she didn’t even hesitate and charged right to the top. At the top, she wasn’t completely satisfied, and led me on a 3-mile extension complete with sprinting across a bog yelling “YEE HAH!” at the top of her lungs. With every step her soul grew younger, and her mascara never smudged. Bella, Grace, and Luke would have been proud.

As our run ended, we stretched and spoke of friends, love, and the wonders of daily life, but didn’t need to talk about trail running. Mother Nature had dished out exactly what Kik needed (as mothers are known to do). Kik was one of us now - a trail runner - and I was certain her article would capture the spirit and joy of the experience. As I ran the next morning in my normal solitude, the trail felt brand new, for it was only yesterday I had seen it for the first time through another’s eyes. It seemed silly that I was so hesitant to share the experience. Leave it to Kik to show me that one must gamble everything for love to win.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Nebraskan, Aussie conquer Mick (Rapid City Journal)

Here's a write up on the Deadwood Marathon. If you look for a double-chin and headphones in the picture you can see me. ;oP

- SD

Nebraskan, Aussie conquer Mick
By Sean Welsh, Journal Sports Writer

DEADWOOD - The casinos, historical buildings and brick roads in downtown Deadwood provided for a fantastic finish to the scenic fourth annual Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Marathon on Sunday morning, especially for runner Brian Bergt, who won the event in a D-MTM record time of 2 hours, 48 minutes, 19 seconds.

(1/2 mile in to the Deadwood Marathon)

Bergt, who is from Amherst, Neb., said it felt pretty good to get the win on Sunday.

"I've really been pointing towards this race for the last 14-15 weeks," said Bergt, who also won the Mount Rushmore Marathon in 2002. "I was hoping I was going to have a good run up here."

The 44 year-old Bergt had an average mile time of 6:26 in winning the 26.2-mile Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Marathon in his first attempt. Overall, he has run in about 21 marathons, and said he gets in his fair share of running.

"I've just been alternating between 70 miles one week and 50 the next," Bergt commented. "I've been doing that for 14 weeks.

"This was my first Deadwood, but I've run the Mount Rushmore marathon four times."

Sioux Falls' Scott Walschlager, last year's champion in a time of 2:53:54, shaved three minutes off last year's time to take second at 2:50:54.

He edged out Custer's Michael Streff by only .01, as Streff came in in third with a time of 2:50.55.

The top three runners were together for the first 10 miles until Bergt opened up a small gap, and even at the 20-mile mark, things were still pretty close between Bergt and Walschlager.

"We ran together, and really, he made a big push to get away from me after the 20-mile mark," Walschlager noted. "I could still see him at 20, but after that my legs just started to give out."

Bergt gradually pulled away over the final 6.2 miles to win by a little over two minutes. Streff made a big comeback to make things tight at the finish line, but Walschlager was able to hold him off.

"The weather was definitely better this year," Walschlager noted, as temperatures this year reached just 70, compared to temps in the high-80s and low-90s during last year's race. "The guy that won, Brian Bergt, was just too strong on the downhills.

"I ran a marathon three weeks ago up in Fargo, North Dakota, so I was wondering if that might have some affect on me."

The 40 year-old Walschalger is making a name for himself at the D-MTM, finishing first last year and second this year in his only two appearances. However, despite taking second this year, he still seemed satisfied.

"I mean, I'm still happy, I ran faster than last year, and I feel OK," he added.

Streff seemed satisfied at the conclusion of the race as well.

"I'm pretty happy, we ran a solid pace the first half up the hill, and then cruised on down the hill," said Streff. "The first 10 miles, the three of us ran together, and then Brian pulled ahead. I ran by myself most of the way to the end."

"I've been doing a lot of training ... I ran Lincoln about five weeks ago as a prep and I also run for the National Guard," added Streff.

A 16-minute gap separated the top-three runners from fourth place.

Coming in with a fourth-place finish was Woodside, Calif., resident Scott Dunlap. Dunlap posted a time of 3:06:41.

Terrance Ramirez of Westminster, Colo., took fifth at 3:07:57.

John Van Steenbergh of Columbia, S.C., was sixth after finishing in a time of 3:09:17.

Lisa Polizzi, who came all the way from Brisbane, Australia, to run, was the top female finisher on Sunday.

The 33-year-old Aussie had the best finish ever by a woman at the D-MTM, taking seventh overall with a time of 3:11:00.

Rounding out the top-10 were: 8, Dave Braley, Sioux Falls, 3:14:02; 9, Michael Robbert, Littleton, Colo., 3:15:35; 10, Kerry McDermott, Lincoln, Neb., 3:15:37.

Race notes: The full marathon began in Rochford and then followed the Mickelson trail into downtown Deadwood. Jeff Stuckenbroker, 19, of Windom, Minn., won the half-marathon in a time of 1:09:29. About 1,600 runners showed up for Sunday's races. Jeff Galloway, a 1972 U.S. Olympian, was a guest at the event.


Full marathon

Place, Name, City, State, Age, Time

1, Bergt, Brian, Amherst, Neb., 44, 2:48:19; 2, Walschlager, Scott, Sioux Falls, 40, 2:50:54; 3, Streff, Michael, Custer, 40, 2:50:55; 4, Dunlap, Scott, Woodside, Calif., 36, 3:06:41; 5, Ramirez, Terrance, Westminster, Colo., 41, 3:07:57; 6, Van Steenbergh, John, Columbia, S.C., 38, 3:09:17; 7, Polizzi, Lisa, Brisbane, Australia, 33, 3:11:00; 8, Braley, Dave, Sioux Falls, 47, 3:14:02; 9, Robbert, Michael, Littleton, Colo., 29, 3:15:35; 10, McDermott, Kerry, Lincoln, Neb., 47, 3:15:37; 11, Bruggeman, Jason, Bozeman, Mont., 30, 3:16:30; 12, Grether, Bill, Anchorage, Alaska, 54, 3:17:08; 13, Mousel, Gregory, Juniata, Neb., 33, 3:18:20; 14, Loos, Mike, Rapid City, 40, 3:18:37; 15, Mandler, William, Pocatello, Idaho, 40, 3:19:44; 16, Nishide, Yukiko, Rye, N.Y., 43, 3:19:45; 17, Halsey, Matthew, Fresno, Calif., 37, 3:20:09; 18, Elsing, James, Lemmon, 59, 3:21:01; 19, Phillips, Tim, Glasgow, Mont., 39, 3:21:02;

20, Welschinger, Paul, Wheat Ridge, Colo., 48, 3:21:54; 21, Bremner, Steve, Colorado Springs, Colo., 50, 3:22:29; 22, Rausch, Dan, Sioux Falls, 38, 3:23:30; 23, Webber, John, North Andover, Mass., 48, 3:24:54; 24, Fligge, Lisa, Sioux Falls, 39, 3:24:55; 25, Selden, David, Lyons, Colo., 45, 3:25:41; 26, Welch, Kjersten, Sioux City, Iowa, 34, 3:25:51; 27, Davison, Mark, Hot Springs, 42, 3:25:52; 28, Lofstedt, Todd, Louisville, Colo., 40, 3:27:21; 29, Hill, Darin, Alliance, Neb., 38, 3:27:45; 30, Sjolund, Steven, Minneapolis, Minn., 54, 3:28:07; 31, Baroffio, Bryan, Grand Junction, Colo., 47, 3:28:29; 32, McCoy, Kevin, Johnston, R.I., 49, 3:29:21; 33, Tumilson, Jon, San Diego, Calif., 28, 3:30:58; 34, Jones, Scott, Mullen, Neb., 37, 3:31:22; 35, Black, Gary, Sheridan, Colo., 19, 3:32:01; 36, Rodman, John, Sioux Falls, 38, 3:33:00; 37, Schumacher, Milton, N. Scituate, R.I., 60, 3:33:08; 38, Hague, Shane, Rapid City, 21, 3:33:39; 39, Matthesen, John, Rapid City, 36, 3:33:59;

40, Miller, Jake, Pierre, 19, 3:34:20; 41, Kraayenbrink, Darrel, Platte, 48, 3:34:49; 42, Fuegen, Lance, Rapid City, 36, 3:35:23; 43, Larson, Mike, Aberdeen, 26, 3:36:07; 44, Holland, Peter, Sioux Falls, 60, 3:36:43; 45, Do, Theresa, Broomfield, Colo., 41, 3:38:17; 46, Slama, Brooks, Rapid City, 33, 3:38:38; 47, Pattison, Don, Bartlett, Ill., 47, 3:38:57; 48, Baker, Ken, Scottsdale, Ariz., 48, 3:39:21; 49, Heuer, Tom, Des Moines, Iowa, 47, 3:39:27; 50, Boone, Paul, Lawrence, Kan., 40, 3:39:51; 51, Thielman, Mark, Ft. Worth, Texas, 44, 3:40:16; 52, White, Kathryn, Tulsa, Okla., 37, 3:40:17; 53, Kersten, Susan, Sioux Falls, 46, 3:41:21; 54, Nixon, Robert, Rapid City, 53, 3:42:16; 55, Nelson, Jonathan, Rapid City, 41, 3:42:22; 56, Noble, Matthew, Annapolis, Md., 22, 3:42:52; 57, Roche, Andrea, Chicago, Ill., 24, 3:43:29; 58, Bode, Ruby, Des Moines, Iowa, 24, 3:43:37; 59, Ditmars, Natalie, Iowa City, Iowa, 25, 3:44:37;

60, Siemens, David, Spearfish, 46, 3:44:42; 61, Wolfe, Justin, Woodbury, Minn., 27, 3:44:48; 62, LaCompte, David, Winner, 47, 3:45:51; 63, Dahl, Lisa, Lexington, Ky., 38, 3:45:59; 64, Roth, Edwin, Koeln, Germany, 51, 3:47:27; 65, Olson, Scott, Custer, 38, 3:47:37; 66, Kuhlman, Dan, Lecompton, Kan., 51, 3:47:46; 67, Olsen, Bryan, Casper, Wyo., 39, 3:47:50; 68, Bergstrom, Mike, Minot, N.D., 21, 3:48:02; 69, Loerzel, Greg, Hermosa, 43, 3:48:12; 70, Gustin, Lisa, Rapid City, 37, 3:48:57; 71, Jung, Annie, St. Paul, Minn., 45, 3:49:58; 72, Przymus, Chad, Marshall, Minn., 39, 3:50:20; 73, Stonesmith, Cindy, Louisville, Colo., 41, 3:50:40; 74, Campo, Mike, Boulder, Colo., 49, 3:50:45; 75, McDermott, Duane, Rapid City, 48, 3:50:51; 76, Mutziger, Mike, Aberdeen, 36, 3:50:52; 77, Gebhardt, Betsy, Bozeman, Mont., 24, 3:50:53; 78, Rohrick, Tom, Scottsbluff, Neb., 40, 3:51:25; 79, Hauler, Jack, Malvern, Penn., 46, 3:51:29;

80, Meier, Dennis, Rapid City, 57, 3:52:55; 81, Feist, Connie, Minot, N.D., 39, 3:53:05; 82, Thone, Troy, Luverne, Minn., 29, 3:53:12; 83, Viers, Charlie, Matchitoches, La., 63, 3:53:23; 84, Rouse, Susan, Conroe, Texas, 47, 3:54:50; 85, Maehlmann, Katie, Madison, Ala., 27, 3:54:52; 86, Cullen, Kelly, Savage, Minn., 49, 3:55:01; 87, Brattebo, Benjamin, Box Elder, 26, 3:55:02; 88, Hurst, Vernon, Decatur, Ala., 39, 3:55:13; 89, Perrone, Phillip, Omaha, Neb., 44, 3:55:17; 90, Ward, Sarah, Lake Oswego, Ore., 32, 3:56:02; 91, Rosasco, Mark, Arnold, Md., 46, 3:56:05; 92, Gerlock, Jared, Fayetteville, Ark., 26, 3:56:43; 93, Roman, Diane, Story, Wyo., 44, 3:56:46; 94, Gebhardt, Carrie, Bozeman, Mont., 23, 3:57:05; 95, Zamir, Sahar, Vermillion, 20, 3:57:11; 96, Christians, Lisa, Sioux Center, Iowa, 40, 3:57:12; 97, Gebhardt, Daniel, White Sulphur Springs, Mont., 61, 3:57:13; 98, Chapman, Rita, Silver City, 42, 3:57:40; 99, True Jr., Chester, LinColn, Neb., 47, 3:58:06;

100, Rikke, David, Indianapolis, Ind., 52, 3:58:14; 101, Pond, Timothy, Aberdeen, 45, 3:59:08; 102, Johnson, Doug, Worland, Wyo., 47, 3:59:40; 103, Scheitzach, Clay, Corpus Christi, Texas, 30, 3:59:47; 104, Pomarole, Michael, West Roxbury, Mass., 49, 3:59:54; 105, Mack, Cindy, Greenville, Iowa, 45, 4:00:35; 106, Rosasco, Carole, Arnold, Md., 45, 4:00:41; 107, Graves, Dave, Volga, 47, 4:01:05; 108, Martin, Mel, Ripon, Wis., 45, 4:01:08; 109, Maehlmann, Rick, Madison, Ala., 28, 4:01:10; 110, Reynen, Paul, Sioux Falls, 44, 4:02:05; 111, Cole, James, Papilllion, Neb., 21, 4:02:12; 112, Grubb, Ryan, Billings, Mont., 42, 4:02:25; 113, Walters, Gary, Gettysburg, 35, 4:03:04; 114, Hudson, Jonathan, Sterling, Va., 45, 4:03:17; 115, Carr, Lyle (Joe), Miles City, Mont., 42, 4:03:18; 116, Collins, Shawn, Charlotte, N.C., 38, 4:03:55; 117, Cyphers, Steve, Fruita, Colo., 49, 4:03:56; 118, Lipetzky, Steve, Laramie, Wyo., 23, 4:04:31; 119, Hand, Darryl, San Antonio, Texas, 45, 4:04:39;

120, Magilke, Debbie, Billings, Mont., 56, 4:05:37; 121, Chyzyk, Steve, New Orleans, La., 36, 4:05:54; 122, Robinson, Diana, Bellingham, Wash., 38, 4:05:55; 123, Nishide, Hiroyuki, Rye, N.Y., 43, 4:06:01; 124, DeWar, Robert, Springfield, Mo., 59, 4:06:06; 125, Cassity, Cody, Wichita Falls, Texas, 45, 4:06:28; 126, Wiles, Cindy, Sioux Falls, 44, 4:06:33; 127, Parrish, Dayna, Harlingen, Texas, 33, 4:06:34; 128, Irons, Susan, Canton, 38, 4:06:51; 129, Brajer, Allen, Wichita Falls, Texas, 49, 4:07:14; 130, Bartoletti, Marie, Finleyville, Penn., 47, 4:08:26; 131, Schmidt, Duane, Valparaiso, Ind., 57, 4:08:50; 132, Ward, Chad, Ames, Iowa, 29, 4:09:01; 133, Milbrandt, Joel, Las Vegas, Nev., 48, 4:09:10; 134, Buechner, Marla, Jupiter, Fla., 50, 4:09:31; 135, Jacobson, Roberta, Batesland, 42, 4:09:42; 136, Fogle, Chris, Bellevue, Neb., 41, 4:09:43; 137, Fogle, Debora, Bellevue, Neb., 40, 4:09:44; 138, Loitz, Mike, Littleton, Colo., 29, 4:10:21; 139, Policky, Greg, Salida, Colo., 46, 4:10:27;

140, Hastings, Homer, Newcastle, Wyo., 62, 4:10:44; 141, Thompson, Ralph, Akron, Ohio, 58, 4:11:27; 142, Lococo, Larry, Lincoln, Neb., 52, 4:11:45; 143, Nelson, Ray, Benton, La., 69, 4:11:50; 144, Wollwerth, John, Rapid City, 32, 4:12:01; 145, Jones, Donald, Corpus Christi, Texas, 31, 4:12:06; 146, Wolverton, Craig, Montrose, Colo., 43, 4:12:13; 147, McCormick, Sean, Milford, Ohio, 33, 4:12:15; 148, Arves, Kathleen, Shelby, Mont., 41, 4:12:17; 149, Hague, Zachary, Rapid City, 24, 4:12:34; 150, Negri, Frank, Wheatland, Wyo., 26, 4:12:44; 151, Haugen, Karen, Williston, N.D., 43, 4:12:51; 152, Finn, Edward, Naples, Fla., 44, 4:12:53; 153, Buechler, Danielle, Centerville, 22, 4:13:14; 154, Richardson, Kenneth, Springfield, Mo., 51, 4:13:24; 155, Shooer, Rob, Pittsburgh, Penn., 55, 4:13:26; 156, Corkins, Ashley, Tulare, 22, 4:13:38; 157, Cournane, Brendan, Chicago, Ill., 51, 4:13:40; 158, Reif, David, Chicago, Ill., 35, 4:13:41; 159, Mallin, Robert, GlenCoe, Ill., 42, 4:13:41;

160, Solovy, Scott, Deerfield, Ill., 42, 4:13:42; 161, Carlins, David, Glencoe, Ill., 42, 4:13:42; 162, Allegre, Pierre, Black Hawk, 43, 4:14:18; 163, Bode, Benjamin, Algona, Iowa, 28, 4:14:22; 164, Kornelis, Benjamin, Sioux Center, Iowa, 42, 4:14:22; 165, Cabrera, Cheri, Louisville, Colo., 37, 4:14:30; 166, Meyer, Lloyd, Sioux Falls, 56, 4:15:04; 167, Kunz, Brian, Gladwyne, Penn., 55, 4:15:07; 168, Keavy, Chrissie, Chicago, Ill., 25, 4:15:08; 169, Tudor, Tom, Bismarck, N.D., 61, 4:15:11; 170, Mellema, Duane, Park Ridge, Ill., 39, 4:15:34; 171, White, Tammy, Buena Vista, Colo., 43, 4:15:35; 172, Husby, Nancy, Houston, Texas, 44, 4:15:44; 173, Martin, Dave, Gillette, Wyo., 37, 4:15:50; 174, Bobst, Andrew, Miles City, Mont., 30, 4:16:35; 175, Swanstrom, Barbara, Boise, Idaho, 47, 4:17:36; 176, Policky, Deonne, Salida, Colo., 43, 4:17:55; 177, Welch-Patterson, Kathleen, Rapid City, 54, 4:18:52; 178, Lopez, Andres, Berwyn, Ill., 38, 4:19:05; 179, Heathcock, Kathy, Peyton, Colo., 47, 4:19:33;

180, Hunter, Chris, Buena Vista, Colo., 48, 4:19:37; 181, Pierce, Scott, Dallas, Texas, 46, 4:20:03; 182, DeWaard, Doug, Mitchell, 42, 4:20:21; 183, O'Reilly, Jim, Marietta, Ga., 48, 4:20:28; 184, McCann, Molly, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., 34, 4:20:28; 185, Carlins, Allen, Lake Bluff, Ill., 44, 4:21:06; 186, Vogel, Brian, University Heights, Ohio, 38, 4:21:12; 187, Mortensen, Sara, Brooklyn Park, Minn., 27, 4:21:22 188, Traicoff, Gary, Northfield, Ohio, 32, 4:22:10; 189, Yost, John, Omaha, Neb., 32, 4:22:18; 190, Davis, Van, Hot Springs, Ark., 61, 4:22:22; 191, McClaughry, Toby, Lake Oswego, Ore., 29, 4:23:34; 192, Davis, Karlen, Rapid City, 33, 4:23:47; 193, Schrempp, Robin, Box Elder, 40, 4:24:01; 194, White, Thomas, Buena Vista, Colo., 45, 4:24:10; 195, Haugen, Elizabeth, Minneapolis, Minn., 37, 4:24:12; 196, Culpepper, Kimberly, Naples, Fla., 38, 4:24:15; 197, McDermott, Matt, Lincoln, Neb., 24, 4:24:45; 198, Finney, Brian, Decatur, Ill., 37, 4:24:47; 199, LaGioia, Mark, Sundance, Wyo., 32, 4:26:22;

200, Short, Christopher, Morrison, Colo., 44, 4:26:34; 201, Wood, Liz, Superior, Colo., 24, 4:26:47; 202, Honeycutt, Mike, Nashville, Tenn., 38, 4:27:03; 203, Miller, Mike, Mason City, Iowa, 37, 4:27:47; 204, Richter, Mike, Harlowton, Mont., 53, 4:27:51; 205, Solay, Kurt, Rapid City, 44, 4:27:54; 206, Braley-Smith, Ann, Boise, Idaho, 37, 4:27:59; 207, Stonehouse, Susie, Sioux Falls, 32, 4:28:01; 208, Hannula, Rebekka, Colorado Springs, Colo., 42, 4:28:46; 209, Sprietsma, Rex, Downers Grove, Ill., 50, 4:28:53; 210, Voss, Glenn, Sioux Falls, 45, 4:29:18; 211, Migliaccio, Chris, Florence, Mont., 36, 4:29:24; 212, Cummins, Karen, Madison, 56, 4:30:13; 213, Lister, Don, Hendersonville, N.C., 61, 4:30:45; 214, Fischer, Sarah, East Grand Forks, Minn., 24, 4:32:18; 215, Gregory, Jessica, Grand Forks, N.D., 26, 4:32:18; 216, Anderson, Pete, Brookings, 53, 4:32:24; 217, Fletcher, Michael, Omaha, Neb., 56, 4:33:21; 218, Legner, Richard, Rapid City, 65, 4:33:36; 219, Cook, Joe, Rome, Ga., 38, 4:33:38;

220, Forrette, John, Sioux Falls, 52, 4:34:02; 221, Laqua, Patricia, Grand Forks, N.D., 28, 4:34:03; 222, Cabrera, Johna, Loveland, Colo., 36, 4:34:23; 223, Nygard, Jonathan, Black Hawk, 30, 4:34:59; 224, Drake, Bud, Newcastle, Wyo., 58, 4:35:05; 225, Vogt, Richard, Elmwood, Neb., 60, 4:35:25; 226, Loveland, Ronald, Newport, Minn., 42, 4:36:40; 227, Roth, Monika, Koeln, Germany, 47, 4:36:59; 228, Miskiewicz, Heather, Denver, Colo., 27, 4:37:16; 229, Braggans, Ted, Edina, Minn., 62, 4:38:00; 230, Smith, Jeffry, Verona, Wis., 45, 4:38:38; 231, Nachtigal, Jon, Tea, 36, 4:38:55; 232, Oglesby, Katie, Littleton, Colo., 33, 4:39:32; 233, Selness, Jeffrey, Medicine Lake, Minn., 46, 4:39:37; 234, Thompson, Kenneth, Akron, Ohio, 68, 4:40:02; 235, Plovnick, Robert, Silver Spring, Md., 29, 4:40:21; 236, Conroy, Russ, Springfield, Mo., 51, 4:40:44; 237, Ripley, Ruth, Pennellville, N.Y., 57, 4:41:02; 238, Johnson, Donald, Widefield, Colo., 50, 4:41:12; 239, McCormick, Tina, Milford, Ohio, 31, 4:41:28;

240, Schmidt, Kyla, Colorado Springs, Colo., 28, 4:41:33; 241, Simpson, James, Huntington Beach, Calif., 63, 4:41:55; 242, Dittman, Sarah, Spearfish, 36, 4:42:50; 243, Roedl, Claudia, Elm Grove, Wis., 41, 4:42:54; 244, Kaml, Bryan, Brooklyn Park, Minn., 44, 4:42:54; 245, Frassinelli, John, Nashville, Tenn., 40, 4:43:17; 246, Reese, Krista, Boardman, Ohio, 29, 4:43:18; 247, Osborn, Nicole, Redfield, 25, 4:45:51; 248, Hague, Billie, Rapid City, 45, 4:46:29; 249, Frostig, Ronnie, Atlanta, Ga., 46, 4:46:51; 250, Yarbrough, Leah, Shreveport, La., 48, 4:47:22; 251, Sharp, Tracy, Newport Beach, Calif., 41, 4:48:12 252, Knaff, Chris, Renton, Wash., 35, 4:48:18; 253, Willms, Walter, Indianapolis, Ind., 65, 4:49:07; 254, Zolman, Jody, Bellevue, Neb., 33, 4:49:14; 255, Majetich, Sharon, Littleton, Colo., 45, 4:49:22; 256, Sims, Robert, Great Falls, Mont., 64, 4:49:57; 257, Vincent, Alisha, Spearfish, 26, 4:50:05; 258, Gullickson, Kristen, Spearfish, 27, 4:50:06; 259, Geldert III, Robert, Edwardsville, Ill., 38, 4:50:58;

260, Vallely, Hugh, Castle Rock, Colo., 46, 4:51:09; 261, Raaum, Cal, Williston, N.D., 56, 4:51:09; 262, Tschetter, Becky, Sioux Falls, 38, 4:51:43; 263, Tyon, Louis, Hermosa, 59, 4:51:52; 264, Gilbertson, B.K., Enumclaw, Wash., 42, 4:52:13; 265, Hill, Harvey, Mount Berry, Ga., 39, 4:52:25; 266, LaLonde, Donna, Topeka, Kan., 47, 4:52:29; 267, Gahol, Bob, Leavenworth, Kan., 41, 4:52:49; 268, Alderman, Wayne, Spearfish, 44, 4:53:11; 269. LeMaitre, Brand, Denver, Colo., 30, 4:53:15; 270, Lisak, Mark, Olathe, Colo., 48, 4:53:16; 271, Lane, Tracey, Buffalo, Wyo., 33, 4:53:42; 272, Arogyaswamy, Benedict, Collierville, Tenn., 49, 4:53:52; 273, Lopez, Casey, Milwaukee, Wis., 28, 4:53:55; 274, Weiss, Adam, Linwood, N.J., 41, 4:54:05; 275, Davis, Charlotte, Hot Springs, Ark., 50, 4:54:30; 276, Nedved, Doris, Germantown, Md., 38, 4:54:56; 277, Clementich, Robert, Minot, N.D., 54, 4:55:45; 278, Neske, Robert, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., 57, 4:55:54; 279, Mehl, Sylvia, Moorhead, Minn., 55, 4:56:31;

280, Gunnarsson, Arne, Fallbrook, Calif., 62, 4:57:37; 281, Runge, Brett, Deadwood, 30, 4:57:59; 282, Tjaden, Karen, Lead, 37, 4:57:59; 283, Cohn, Sue, Littleton, Colo., 49, 4:58:16; 284, Lewis, Brian, Altamonte Springs, Fla., 38, 4:58:25; 285, Brattebo, Shannon, Box Elder, 25, 4:58:39; 286, Leonard Jr., Wade, Mocksville, N.C., 62, 4:58:40; 287, Chow, James, Highlands Ranch, Colo., 48, 4:59:15; 288, Mehl, Tim, Moorhead, Minn., 61, 4:59:38; 289, Doering, Tamara, Hot Springs, 21, 4:59:46; 290, Sims, Donna, Great Falls, Mont., 62, 4:59:47; 291, Teichman, David, Wichita Falls, Texas, 57, 5:00:18; 292, McCabe, Richard, Fort Collins, Colo., 54, 5:01:14; 293, Kellenberger, Andrew, Beaver Creek, Minn., 23, 5:01:29; 294, Creel, Norm, Rapid City, 56, 5:01:37; 295, Coleman, Renae, Valentine, Neb., 43, 5:01:47; 296, Ruybalid, Joel, Mullen, Neb., 38, 5:03:02; 297, Abbott, Colette, Vermillion, 48, 5:03:46; 298, Halsey, Jim, Indianapolis, Ind., 44, 5:03:52; 299, Bushong-Reid, Linda, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., 53, 5:04:43;

300, Reid, Bruce, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., 57, 5:04:44; 301, Parrish, Julie, San Benito, Texas, 27, 5:04:51; 302, McCracken, Stan, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada, 43, 5:05:01; 303, Lukanic, Brian, Lombard, Ill., 30, 5:05:37; 304, Johnette, Gerald, Omaha, Neb., 53, 5:06:28; 305, Mund, Pamela, Maplewood, Minn., 57, 5:06:57; 306, Wells, Dan, Danville, Ky., 58, 5:07:09; 307, Baumann, Kari, Greeley, Colo., 33, 5:07:26; 308, Walters, Norm, Rapid City, 71, 5:07:50; 309, Kuni, Cynthia, Seattle, Wash., 46, 5:08:55; 310, McRae, Dave, Victorville, Calif., 46, 5:08:59; 311, Rankin, Bree, Plymouth, Minn., 28, 5:09:04; 312, McGowan, Thomas, Minneapolis, Minn., 45, 5:09:58; 313, Landguth, Erin, Rapid City, 26, 5:10:37; 314, Engler, Ed, Rapid City, 33, 5:10:51; 315, Ingalls, Mark, Rapid City, 37, 5:11:01; 316, Caldwell, Ralph, Atlanta, Ga., 56, 5:11:13; 317, Mehrer, Malerie, Laramie, Wyo., 20, 5:11:23; 318, Guge, Kari, Rapid City, 31, 5:11:37; 319, Kath, Chandra, Rapid City, 24, 5:11:38;

320, Hartman, Boonsom, Oak Forest, Ill., 47, 5:12:26; 321, Bolesta, Brook, Minneota, Minn., 34, 5:14:11; 322, Hortness, Laura, Madison, 23, 5:14:24; 323, Johnston, Sue, Billings, Mont., 51, 5:14:29; 324, Dana, Genya, Minneapolis, Minn., 25, 5:14:47; 325, Kampinen, Andrea, Minneapolis, Minn., 25, 5:14:48; 326, Voss, P. Carroll, San Antonio, Texas, 59, 5:15:16; 327, Antisdel, Sharon, Brush Prairie, Wash., 48, 5:16:27; 328, Ward, Kimberly, Rapid City, 17, 5:16:43; 329, Grant, Leisa, Westminster, Colo., 25, 5:16:44; 330, McGlade, John, Evansville, Wyo., 48, 5:16:56; 331, Mickley, Mary, Rapid City, 47, 5:17:06; 332, Zaddach, Randy, Casper, Wyo., 47, 5:17:10; 333, Hallenbeck, Jonathan, Waterville, Me., 46, 5:17:10; 334, Doll, Brad, Minot, N.D., 38, 5:17:29; 335, Locher, Alan, Fountain Valley, Calif., 63, 5:20:04; 336, Zwart, Alan, Washington, D.C., 34, 5:20:58; 337, Bissinger, Annette, Rapid City, 37, 5:21:06; 338, VanDerMark, Kreston, Eastpointe, Mich., 32, 5:21:09; 339, Fahl, Stephanie, Indianapolis, Ind., 31, 5:21:21;

340, Wampler, James, Indianapolis, Ind., 54, 5:21:21; 341, Higgins, Michaelette, Black Hawk, 53, 5:21:27; 342, Bortfeldt, Susan, Erie, Colo., 42, 5:22:32; 343, Harbage, Robin, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 51, 5:23:28; 344, Swanson-Harbag, Katie, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 52, 5:23:30; 345, Ritz, Mary, Cody, Wyo., 50, 5:23:39; 346, Sparks, Ami, Buffalo, Wyo., 34, 5:24:04; 347, Herrmann, Patrick, St. Charles, Mo., 49, 5:24:41; 348, Henderson, Patty, Buffalo, S.D., 51, 5:25:54; 349, Golbert, Arthur, Baldwin, N.Y., 49, 5:27:06; 350, Lukanic, Kim, Lombard, Ill., 30, 5:27:08; 351, Brewster, Bryan, Edmond, Okla., 47, 5:27:25; 352, Amundson, Brian, Eau Claire, Wis., 55, 5:28:09; 353, Gall, Katherine, Roseville, Calif., 24, 5:28:43; 354, Wakefield, David, Sioux Falls, 43, 5:29:06; 355, Bruch, Mieke, Wall, 30, 5:29:21; 356, Farr, Bob, Savannah, Ga., 66, 5:29:38; 357, Olson, Donna, Kimballton, Iowa, 52, 5:30:06; 358, Hunt, Maggie, St. Joseph, Minn., 20, 5:30:20; 359, Alexander, Ray, Tomball, Texas, 51, 5:31:46;

360, Arvin, Betty, Ft. Worth, Texas, 42, 5:32:59; 361, Morrison, Shannon, Valhalla, N.Y., 32, 5:33:34; 362, Scandrett, Orin, Minneapolis, Minn., 75, 5:35:43; 363, Gonzales, Stacie, Corpus Christi, Texas, 34, 5:36:11; 364, Seddon, Gerald, Newburgh, Ind., 60, 5:37:03; 365, Ford, Laurie, Atlanta, Ga., 38, 5:38:55; 366, Johnston, Lance, Lexington, Mo., 34, 5:39:12; 367, Carter, Robert, Lead, 33, 5:39:48; 368, Kopaska, K.C., Republic, Mo., 46, 5:40:25; 369, Kobierski, Thomas, New Lenox, Ill., 56, 5:41:26; 370, Baumann, Patrick, Douglas, Wyo., 48, 5:41:26; 371, Spalding, Nancy, Colorado Springs, Colo., 47, 5:41:31; 372, Pickford, Lisa, Custer, 46, 5:42:33;373, Raduly, Danielle, Pipestone, Minn., 23, 5:42:40; 374, Kenny, Rodney, Minot, N.D., 42, 5:44:16; 375, Burgess, Tom, San Diego, Calif., 51, 5:44:28; 376, Grill, Trixie, Hot Springs, 33, 5:45:49; 377, Venjohn, Cal, Watertown, 53, 5:45:49; 378, Klein, Kevin, Deadwood, 44, 5:46:02; 379, Snorteland, Alice, Minneapolis, Minn., 24, 5:46:08;

380, McNellis, Stephen, Chicago, Ill., 39, 5:47:54; 381, Macon, Laurence, San Antonio, Texas, 60, 5:48:18; 382, Chapin, Bill, Lincoln, Neb., 54, 5:50:55; 383, Munter, Mary, Lincoln, Neb., 58, 5:50:55; 384, Moralez, John, Fullerton, Calif., 59, 5:52:01; 385, Maxfield, David, Mitchell, 50, 5:52:59; 386, Christell, Todd, Springfield, Mo., 50, 5:54:09; 387, Christell, Donna, Springfield, Mo., 52, 5:54:09; 388, Goodwin, Tim, Rapid City, 50, 5:54:47; 389, Burleson, Jane, Wrenshall, Minn., 46, 5:55:07; 390, Burleson, Jeffrey, Wrenshall, Minn., 56, 5:55:08; 391, Lange, Holley, Fort Collins, Colo., 59, 5:56:25; 392, Heathcock, Jeff, Peyton, Colo., 47, 6:04:16; 393, Polaski, Bob, Maplewood, Minn., 53, 6:07:43; 394, Polaski, Patricia, Maplewood, Minn., 51, 6:07:44; 395, Lopez, Manuel, Racine, Wis., 66, 6:09:24; 396, Domeracki, Henry, Austin, Texas, 48, 6:09:46 397, Schuelke, Roberta, Rapid City, 55, 6:11:03; 398, Raduly, Andrew, Pipestone, Minn., 28, 6:12:53; 399, Geik, Ronald, Culver, Ind., 57, 6:12:53;

400, Taylor, Sheryl, Sioux Center, Iowa, 40, 6:15:03; 401, Horton, Neil, Franktown, Colo., 63, 6:16:26; 402, Reid, Bob, Edmond, Okla., 46, 6:17:55; 403, Stenzel, Barbara, Lexington, Ky., 48, 6:19:01; 404, Lenari, Mary, Sarasota, Fla., 58, 6:19:02; 405, Martin-McGuire, Peggy, Regina, Sask., Canada, 51, 6:19:17; 406, Bleriot, Nicole, Denver, Colo., 42, 6:19:53; 407, Klumpp, Cassie, Littleton, Colo., 53, 6:19:54; 408, Franks, Cindy, Savannah, Tenn., 36, 6:24:37; 409, Black, David, Sheridan, Colo., 54, 6:35:48; 410, Chaussee, Sheri, Sioux Falls, 46, 6:37:09; 411, Miller, Brian, Hurley, 37, 6:37:10; 412, Aguilera, Gloria, Chicago, Ill., 45, 6:38:19; 413, Mortensen, Cory, Minneapolis, Minn., 35, 6:39:01; 414, Mortensen, Wes, Chaska, Minn., 65, 6:39:02; 415, Hoffman, Lee, Glendale, Mo., 70, 6:39:09; 416, Kinder, Michael, Wichita Falls, Texas, 42, 6:40:17; 417, Noteboom, Dan, McAlester, Okla., 53, 6:44:52; 418, Cross, Jeanine, Nobelsville, Ind., 45, 6:57:14; 419, Farley, Celne, Balgonie, Sask., Canada, 59, 7:06:03;

420, Bender, Robert, Valley Springs, 51, 7:19:13; 421, Bender, Maria, Valley Springs, 17, 7:19:13; 422, Johnson, Susan, Pierre, 35, 7:20:15; 423, Bochek, Angela, Gurnee, Ill., 37, 7:20:18; 424, Clark, Bob, Los Angeles, Calif., 60, 7:27:13; 425, Rodness, Vicki, Fort Pierre, 46, 7:27:19; 426, Berg, Marion, Plattsmouth, Neb., 53, 7:37:16; 427, Staufer, Christee, Pierre, 19, 7:44:17; 428, Staufer, Sally, Pierre, 47, 7:44:18; 429, Cessna, Vada, Pittsburg, Kan., 41, 7:52:16; N/A, Ayers, Megan, Cincinnati, Ohio, 25; N/A, Cervero, Robert, Lafayette, Calif., 54; N/A, Randall, Michael, Deadwood, 52.

Half marathon

Half marathon

1, Stuckenbroker, Jeff, Windom, Minn., 19, 1:09:29; 2, Clark, Brian Pierre, 41 1:11:10; 3, Reichenberger, Scott Bismarck, N.D., 25 1:13:08; 4, Booth, Adam Wanblee, 22 1:14:59; 5, Kattke, Kyle Black Hawk, 19 1:17:13; 6, LeFever, John Lincoln, Neb., 35 1:18:05; 7, Black Bear, Delbert Pierre, 28, 1:18:53; 8, Sondag, Becky Casper, Wyo., 35 1:22:18; 9, Linnane, Sean Lake Forest, Ill., 40 1:23:30; 10, Espeland, Kevin Pierre, 39 1:23:57; 11, Bump, Matt Pierre, 17 1:23:59; 12, Jarvis, Chris, North Platte, Neb.46 1:24:04; 13, Sprung, Mike, rapid city, 45 1:24:06; 14, Thoreson, Anthony, Brandon, 48 1:24:14; 15, Flocchini III, Armando Gillette, Wyo.46 1:24:37; 16, Rehorst, John Rapid City, 33 1:25:04; 17, Cutting, Tanya Rapid City, 35 1:25:29; 18, Propst, Dan Pierre, 43 1:25:37; 19, Arendt, Al Pierre, 52 1:25:56; 20, Monroe, Jesse Pierre, 19 1:26:26;

21, Kocak, Mark Jackson, Minn.44 1:26:29; 22, Bogue, Willie Newnan, GA29 1:26:53; 23, Erkonen, Sean Sioux Falls, 28 1:26:54; 24, Noland, Artie Staten Island, NY52 1:27:45; 25, Hoska, Richard Saint Paul, Minn.48 1:28:05; 26, Peterson, Scott Sturgis, 38 1:28:14; 27, Kemp, Henry Williston, ND18 1:28:14; 28, McNamara, James Fanwood, NJ49 1:28:33; 29, Coates, Kip Rapid City, 39 1:28:35; 30, Groon, Linda Bangor, Wis.36 1:30:00; 31, Thomas, Fred Meeteetse, Wyo.50 1:30:11; 32, Smith, Trevor Rapid City, 23 1:30:18; 33, Haven, Gary Rapid City, 53 1:30:37; 34, Heacock, Roger Rapid City, 53 1:31:01; 35, Le Mair, Jeffrey Sioux Falls, 51 1:31:02; 36, O'Malley, Bill Sutherland, Neb.36 1:31:03; 37, Fatula, Phil Gillette, Wyo.45 1:31:05; 38, barrows, george georgetown, Colo.40 1:31:14; 39, Rabern, Scott Pierre, 36 1:31:27; 40, Schaunaman, Travis Aberdeen, 24 1:31:36;

41, Neva, Jessica Jamestown, ND24 1:31:43; 42, Arnold, Wally Rochester, Minn.45 1:31:59; 43, Cheatham, Jim Hulett, Wyo.34 1:32:24; 44, Burke, Liz Cavalier AFS, ND24 1:32:51; 45, Hanna, Chad Rapid City, 38 1:32:52; 46, Lindholm, Bruce Pierre, 43 1:33:03; 47, Wilson, Kelli Piedmont, 35 1:33:17; 48, Anderson, Darryl Gillette, Wyo.54 1:33:25; 49, Moreau, Kristin Golden, Colo.38 1:33:33; 50, Dowell, Keith Lawrence, KS51 1:33:35; 51, Johnson, Ross Rapid City, 36 1:34:01; 52, Roberts, Teresa Cape May Crt Hse, NJ41 1:34:07; 53, Calkins, Travis Cape Girardeau, MO30 1:34:31; 54, LeBeau, Erika Rapid City, 26 1:34:46; 55, Johnston, Bill Billings, MT52 1:34:53; 56, Ferree, Lori Broomfield, Colo.39 1:34:56; 57, Sachs, Jeffrey Rapid City, 30 1:35:09; 58, McKeon, William Rapid City, 41 1:35:15; 59, Holben, Marcie Spearfish, 33 1:35:19; 60, Raymer, Christopher Kansas City, MO33 1:35:33;

61, Gilbertson, Graig Bemidji, Minn.56 1:35:43; 62, Brown, Lester Worland, Wyo.27 1:35:57; 63, Romero, Jim Denver, Colo.65 1:36:05; 64, Garrels, Stacy Ankeny, IA29 1:36:17; 65, Kemp, Deberah Williston, ND41 1:36:25; 66, O'Malley, Patricia Sutherland, Neb.38 1:36:25; 67, Schwamb, Curt Sheridan, Wyo.48 1:36:29; 68, Hanson, Rick Sioux Falls, 57 1:36:38; 69, Svec, Adam Minneapolis, Minn.25 1:36:43; 70, Lancaster, Rick Pierre, 47 1:36:50; 71, Riter, Lindsey Rapid City, 28 1:37:01; 72, polizzi, paul brisbane, 34 1:37:04; 73, Brown, Erin Worland, Wyo.28 1:37:06; 74, Christol, Jim Yorktown, VA57 1:37:08; 75, Kolobakken, Brent Minot, ND40 1:37:10; 76, Fedde, Chris Burke, 21 1:37:24; 77, Little Moon, Wallace Howes, 55 1:37:27; 78, Vette, LeAnn Spearfish, 49 1:37:38; 79, Johnston, Kristen Sioux Falls, 34 1:37:50; 80, Randall, Ken Wheat Ridge, Colo.67 1:38:03;

81, Reichenberger, Michelle Bismarck, ND34 1:38:07; 82, Bussen, Patrick St. Paul, Minn.48 1:38:15; 83, Hartman, Scott Oak Forest, IL45 1:38:24; 84, Friedel, Mike Sturgis, 39 1:38:45; 85, neubert, mike Aberdeen, 38 1:38:45; 86, Slayden, Richard Fort Collins, Colo.36 1:39:05; 87, Reuter, John Rapid City, 41 1:39:08; 88, Loucks, James Sioux city, IA42 1:39:27; 89, Simonson, John Fargo, ND38 1:39:30; 90, Thorstenson, Paul Rapid City, 43 1:39:31; 91, Waltman, Scott Aberdeen, 33 1:39:32; 92, Eng, Tonya Burke, 27 1:39:43; 93, Grumstrup, Phillip Black Hawk, 59 1:39:45; 94, Zwaschka, Mark Spearfish, 46 1:39:57; 95, Houwman, Chris Sioux Falls, 35 1:40:03; 96, Gebhardt, Meris Lake Oswego, OR34 1:40:03; 97, Whillock, Nancy Aberdeen, 37 1:40:09; 98, Wieczorek, Kristen Aladdin, Wyo.23 1:40:16; 99, Schumacher, Jason Deadwood, 16 1:40:39; 100, gunter, emily westminster, Colo.24 1:40:44;

101, BARBER, BILL RAPID CITY, 41 1:40:50; 102, Higbea, Ryan Minneapolis, Minn.23 1:40:52; 103, Andrew, Siga Boulder, Colo.40 1:40:53; 104, Peterson, Jodi Boulder, Colo.27 1:41:01; 105, Szmyd, Julie Ft. Collins, Colo.27 1:41:02; 106, Donohue, Carole CMCH, NJ44 1:41:02; 107, Romero, Richard Denver, Colo.68 1:41:14; 108, Alcorn, Ken Piedmont, 47 1:41:17; 109, Brodkorb, Tara Spearfish, 26 1:41:22; 110, Klosterman, Robbin Brandon, 46 1:41:26; 111, King, Stephanie USAF Academy, Colo.23 1:41:43; 112, Hicks, Harvey Spearfish, 48 1:41:43; 113, Ocel, Kimberly Westminster, Colo.38 1:41:50; 114, Kamstra, Lex Lakewood, Colo.42 1:41:53; 115, Bolton, Jennifer Laramie, Wyo.32 1:42:14; 116, Bolton, Ryan Laramie, Wyo.32 1:42:14; 117, Wolf, Jeff Kearney, Neb.47 1:42:29; 118, Anderson, Sheldon Gillette, Wyo.43 1:42:30; 119, JASINSKI, JADE RAPID CITY, 19 1:42:37; 120, KASSUBE, BRAD BEAVER LAKE, Neb.46 1:42:40;

121, Folansby, Steven Rapid City, 44 1:42:49; 122, Van Veldhuizen, John Sioux Falls, 55 1:42:49; 123, Nygaard, Pat Fargo, ND24 1:43:14; 124, Kleinschmidt, Bob Rapid City, 28 1:43:25; 125, Golis, Tom Hot Springs, 50 1:43:27; 126, Farrow, Sydney Fort Pierre, 33 1:43:34; 127, Stafford, Drew Buffalo, Wyo.13 1:43:39; 128, Andrews, JD Cheyenne, Wyo.26 1:43:40; 129, Paulson, Darren Rapid City, 38 1:43:45; 130, Riter-Collins, Ashley Rapid City, 31 1:43:47; 131, Schlichtemeier, Jason Sturgis, 37 1:43:49; 132, Lund, Joshua Spearfish, 25 1:43:51; 133, Schulte, Nathan Hill City, 20 1:43:52; 134, Turner, Shalin Rapid City, 27 1:44:04; 135, Myers, Dan Buffalo, Wyo.33 1:44:21; 136, Squyer, Lorna Nemo, 51 1:44:24; 137, Scheafer, Ted Sioux Falls, 37 1:44:39; 138, Lewis, Sarah Sturgis, 20 1:44:41; 139, Fields, Jason Rapid City, 34 1:44:42; 140, Herman, Chet Custer, 37 1:44:50;

141, Ipswitch, Steve Hot Springs, 44 1:44:52; 142, Verbeck, Katie Sidney, Neb.19 1:44:54; 143, Alexander, Ross Rapid City, 20 1:44:58; 144, Bowers, Michael Rapid City, 51 1:44:59; 145, Neb.HL, DOYLE RAPID CITY, 55 1:44:59; 146, Eastlund, Dale Bloomington, Minn.36 1:45:01; 147, Thayer, Tess Sidney, Neb.18 1:45:03; 148, Marshall, Jessica Sturgis, 20 1:45:05; 149, Slayden, Roxanne Fort Collins, Colo.36 1:45:14; 150, Swan, George Rapid City, 47 1:45:17; 151, Lambert, Lana Pierre, 37 1:45:23; 152, Ciaramitaro, Joseph Tucson, AZ55 1:45:30; 153, Rindal, Darcy Shelby, MT18 1:45:32; 154, Warder, Meg Hill City, 30 1:45:43; 155, Capo, Jason rochester, Minn.27 1:45:45; 156, vonHolst, Brenda Buffalo, Wyo.39 1:45:48; 157, Rhone, Mikayla Cozad, Neb.19 1:45:49; 158, Moore, Kent Sturgis, 50 1:46:06; 159, Scott, Sean Peyton, Colo.34 1:46:08; 160, Aron, Carol Pierre, 31 1:46:12;

161, Pibal, Dick Pierre, 59 1:46:12; 162, Olson, Jennifer Williston, ND32 1:46:15; 163, Tait, Allan Rapid City, 47 1:46:18; 164, Smith, Steven Normal, IL39 1:46:18; 165, Schwengler, Joce Rapid City, 26 1:46:19; 166, brown, cory rapid city, 22 1:46:20; 167, Potrzeba, Duane Hasings, Neb.52 1:46:25; 168, Savage, Doc Rapid City, 46 1:46:39; 169, Lyle, Lori Buffalo, Wyo.40 1:46:45; 170, Legner, Chris Rapid City, 42 1:46:48; 171, Schauer, Katie Williston, ND17 1:47:01; 172, Schauer, Duane Williston, ND45 1:47:04; 173, Brown, Shelley Alcester, 40 1:47:26; 174, Barent, Jeanie Buffalo, Wyo.42 1:47:33; 175, Bohl, Nick Hulett, Wyo.48 1:47:36; 176, Murphy, Brendan Black Hawk, 31 1:47:50; 177, Holte, Cynthia Rapid City, 48 1:47:52; 178, Scheetz, Jeanine Sioux Falls, 39 1:47:58; 179, Fuller, Nanci Sioux Falls, 35 1:48:05; 180, anderson, samuel mankato, Minn.49 1:48:10;

181, Worthington, Scott Troutdale, OR46 1:48:11; 182, Silva, Betsy Spearfish, 41 1:48:17; 183, Lauer, Stephanie Strugis, 19 1:48:18; 184, Yellow Boy, Thomas Mission, 32 1:48:22; 185, Gray, Autumn Cavalier, ND28 1:48:24; 186, Davis, Zachary Dickinson, ND15 1:48:37; 187, Ostrom, Lynda Buffalo, Wyo.39 1:48:44; 188, Hillard, Todd Rapid City, 42 1:48:55; 189, JULSON, TINA RAPID CITY, 26 1:49:00; 190, Schwamb, Linda Sheridan, Wyo.51 1:49:21; 191, cooper, shasti jackson, Wyo.32 1:49:21; 192, Wolfgram, Lisa Yankton, 34 1:49:37; 193, Perman, Kris Bozeman, MT32 1:49:38; 194, Drieling, Dennis Miles City, MT23 1:49:46; 195, Smith, Barry Northville, 44 1:49:47; 196, Simonson, Nicki Crosby, ND41 1:49:58; 197, Meyer, Chad Rapid City, 34 1:49:59; 198, Berg, Cindy Rapid City, 39 1:50:02; 199, Silver, Jason Rapid City, 26 1:50:02; 200, Jerdan, Daniel Rapid City, 27 1:50:02;

201, Schwengler, Louis Rapid City, 47 1:50:09; 202, O'Brien, Julie Yankton, 35 1:50:11; 203, Jones, Steven Rapid City, 33 1:50:17; 204, Jones, Christine Rapid City, 31 1:50:18; 205, Edwards, Jim Gillette, Wyo.53 1:50:22; 206, Black, Dee Sturgis, 52 1:50:23; 207, McKinney, Brad Scottsbluff, Neb.47 1:50:23; 208, Wylie, Annie Sioux Falls, 24 1:50:34; 209, Blume, Brent Omaha, Neb.34 1:50:34; 210, McManigal, Darci Rapid City, 49 1:50:39; 211, Johnson, Amanda Rapid City, 28 1:50:43; 212, Burns, David Chicago, IL33 1:50:46; 213, Marlette, Billq Sioux Falls, 47 1:50:51; 214, Caparelli, Beth Omaha, Neb.41 1:50:52; 215, Theophilus, Jennie Sioux Falls, 35 1:50:58; 216, Meyer, Dawn Rapid city, 34 1:51:08; 217, Remmers, Brian Rapid City, 31 1:51:15; 218, Nelson, John Madison, 48 1:51:35; 219, Arnold, James Colorado Springs, Colo.54 1:51:39; 220, Murphy, Jonette Black Hawk, 32 1:51:47;

221, Skinner, Jon Louisville, Colo.42 1:51:49; 222, Schumacher, Renae Big Sky, MT34 1:51:50; 223, Mahoney, Alicia Louisville, Colo.41 1:51:50; 224, Peterson, Stacey Rapid City, 34 1:51:50; 225, Martinec, Tom Pierre, 37 1:51:55; 226, Resar, Aaron Muskego, Wis.26 1:51:55; 227, Sorenson, Jenny Gillette, Wyo.25 1:51:58; 228, Payne, Ann Hemingford, Neb.26 1:51:58; 229, Jones, Marv Rapid City, 49 1:52:02; 230, Lang, Diane Burnsville, Minn.43 1:52:02; 231, Rabern, Sara Pierre, 36 1:52:03; 232, Schmitz, Amy Pierre, 38 1:52:03; 233, Moore, Bryan EAFB, 27 1:52:10; 234, Holt, Richard Rapid City, 34 1:52:10; 235, Moore, Dacia EAFB, 25 1:52:11; 236, Abbott, Kasey Sioux Falls, 46 1:52:22; 237, Mills, Bob Glenwood, IA53 1:52:23; 238, Hessler, Rick Gering, Neb.52 1:52:35; 239, Kuykendall, Keith Chicago, IL43 1:52:44; 240, Sterbis, John Brookings, 37 1:52:47;

241, Hawronsky, Carissa Bismarck, ND21 1:52:52; 242, Amann, Jeffrey Spearfish, 31 1:53:02; 243, Uecker, Alvin Wagner, 71 1:53:04; 244, Hawronsky, Steve Bismarck, ND46 1:53:04; 245, Schelske, Steven Rapid City, 47 1:53:10; 246, Anderson, Owen Woonsocket, 47 1:53:17; 247, Tucker, Dani Rapid City, 31 1:53:20; 248, Mailloux, Melissa Piedmont, 28 1:53:33; 249, Farnham, Leann Mitchell, 38 1:53:40; 250, Gilcrease, Patrick Rapid City, 39 1:53:46; 251, Krebsbach, Marni Rapid City, 34 1:53:47; 252, Dawes, Brandon Sioux Falls, 30 1:53:57; 253, Brennan, Patrick Fort Collins, Colo.67 1:54:00; 254, Sharp, Scott Newport Beach, CA42 1:54:11; 255, strommen, greg rapid city, 46 1:54:11; 256, Hinker, Jessica Rapid City, 22 1:54:15; 257, Brost, Suzanne Murdo, 56 1:54:20; 258, Heikes, Eirik Rapid City, 34 1:54:23; 259, Evans, Holly Madison, 36 1:54:24; 260, Anderson, Merry Canton, 35 1:54:25;

261, Jenkins, Timothy Laurel, MT33 1:54:27; 262, Larkin, Matt Shoreview, Minn.45 1:54:32; 263, neary, shawn minneapolis, Minn.26 1:54:33; 264, O'Donnell, Jerry Golden, Colo.59 1:54:41; 265, barrows, rich georgetown, Colo.45 1:54:43; 266, DeRudder, Billi Sturgis, 23 1:54:44; 267, Rath, Tim Aurora, Colo.44 1:54:46; 268, Mau, Kip Deadwood, 33 1:54:46; 269, Binger, Janet Chadron, Neb.26 1:54:55; 270, sandahl, alice mpls, Minn.22 1:54:58; 271, Fulton, Gary Raleigh, NC50 1:55:11; 272, Kuypers, Oriana Rapid City, 45 1:55:12; 273, Whillock, Jeff Aberdeen, 38 1:55:15; 274, Daschel, Jeff Spearfish, 35 1:55:22; 275, Solomon-Gavach, Kim Rapid City, 35 1:55:25; 276, Creed, Jen Brookings, 21 1:55:26; 277, Wood, Bill Fort Collins, Colo.58 1:55:29; 278, Jasper, Kirsten Pierre, 29 1:55:31; 279, Diiorio, Juliet Chicago, IL40 1:55:32; 280, Rengstorf, Karla Denver, Colo.23 1:55:42;

281, Hamlin, Sharon Olds, AB32 1:55:49; 282, Millis, Joanne Spearfish, 35 1:55:50; 283, Husman, Dick Sioux Falls, 44 1:56:03; 284, Gamble, Wendy Sidney, Neb.33 1:56:09; 285, Kocak, Kerri Jackson, Minn.43 1:56:11; 286, Lonning, Grace Aberdeen, 45 1:56:11; 287, Ellis, Marcia Biggar, SK34 1:56:13; 288, Goetz, Joanna Aberdeen, 34 1:56:14; 289, Monroe, Michelle Pierre, 15 1:56:25; 290, Chyzyk, Sabrina San Diego, CA33 1:56:26; 291, Schreiber, Tammy Rapid City, 24 1:56:28; 292, Vincent, Scott Rapid City, 37 1:56:31; 293, Buhler, Katie Pierre, 15 1:56:31; 294, Keen, Jonathan Colorado Springs, Colo.24 1:56:32; 295, Davis, Christine Casper, Wyo.26 1:56:32; 296, Hansen, Ryan Rapid City, 23 1:56:37; 297, Husman, Angela Sioux Falls, 22 1:56:37; 298, Luers, Melissa Pierre, 23 1:56:37; 299, Krueger, James Sioux Falls, 24 1:56:37; 300, Grismer, Richard Black Hawk, 35 1:56:38;

301, Hagelstrom, Sherry Wood Lake, Minn.58 1:56:40; 302, Finley, Gail Littleton, Colo.51 1:56:45; 303, Peterson, Jim Longmont, Colo.66 1:56:52; 304, Mehlhaff, James Pierre, 39 1:56:56; 305, Reagle, Michael Garden City, KS32 1:56:57; 306, Seaman, Todd Rapid City, 43 1:57:16; 307, Fritza, Marie Gillette, Wyo.25 1:57:19; 308, Martin, Chris Lafayette, Colo.32 1:57:20; 309, Jenkins, Diane Laurel, MT31 1:57:20; 310, Carlson, Michelle Sioux Falls, 32 1:57:22; 311, Hopkins, Gina Sioux Falls, 41 1:57:23; 312, Potts, Aubrey Black Hawk, 21 1:57:27; 313, Taber, Karen Rapid City, 37 1:57:38; 314, Schmitt, Janet Rapid City, 43 1:57:39; 315, elder, pam shreveport, LA48 1:57:40; 316, Holliday-Adria, Sharon Hermosa, 40 1:57:43; 317, Husman, Jenn Sioux Falls, 25 1:57:57; 318, Rauert, Barb Rapid City, 46 1:58:16; 319, Baxter, Heather Rapid City, 29 1:58:18; 320, Keller, Traci Layfayette, Colo.40 1:58:23;

321, Braun, Jackie Warner, 34 1:58:24; 322, Johnsen, Stacey Rapid City, 32 1:58:26; 323, Joyce, Stewart Rapid City, 43 1:58:27; 324, Vanoni, Christine Denver, Colo.53 1:58:27; 325, Conroy, Otakuye Tucson, AZ29 1:58:31; 326, Kean, Caiti Rapid City, 19 1:58:31; 327, CURTIN, MATTHEW CAVALIER, ND29 1:58:34; 328, Chenoweth, Kim Lead, 37 1:58:40; 329, Koopman, Erin Tucson, AZ27 1:58:43; 330, Benner, Brittany Aberdeen, 23 1:58:51; 331, Gehner, Dolores Spearfish, 31 1:58:52; 332, Knudsen, Kelly S. Burlington, VT36 1:59:02; 333, Feller, Caitlin Pierre, 16 1:59:04; 334, Harris, Mike Colorado Springs, Colo.42 1:59:12; 335, Tyler, Timothy Big Stone City, 54 1:59:18; 336, Davis, Brenda Littleton, Colo.23 1:59:29; 337, Rosenberg, Russell Northbrook, IL42 1:59:39; 338, Palmer, Larry Glenview, IL42 1:59:40; 339, Ruhl, Diana Ridgewood, NJ35 1:59:47; 340, Megginson, Joel Rome, GA39 1:59:54;

341, Thorman, Jason Spearfish, 36 1:59:55; 342, Johnson, Krista Yankton, 27 1:59:59; 343, Savage, Donna Rapid City, 46 2:00:11; 344, Briscoe, Georgia Lafayette, Colo.58 2:00:13; 345, mah, jasmine winnipeg, MB44 2:00:13; 346, Olstad, Richard Hot Springs, 41 2:00:22; 347, Goad, Jeff Chicago, IL45 2:00:25; 348, Leberknight, Jeni Rapid City, 34 2:00:28; 349, Nida, Kim Spearfish, 32 2:00:38; 350, Grout, Lana Spearfish, 35 2:00:39; 351, Nelson, Kimberly Yankton, 39 2:00:41; 352, Grassel, Shaun Lewiston, ID33 2:00:46; 353, Thomas, Sandy Marion, 41 2:01:08; 354, Melcher, Chelsea Rapid City, 21 2:01:13; 355, Rotzien, Laura Rapid City, 21 2:01:15; 356, Fulton, Steve Coon Rapids, Minn.54 2:01:17; 357, Mikel, Shelly Spring Valley, Minn.38 2:01:20; 358, Farrar, Beth Rapid City, 36 2:01:21; 359, Zuhr, Debbi Rapid City, 31 2:01:24; 360, Burson, Michael Colorado Springs, Colo.24 2:01:34;

361, Pates, Matthew Piedmont, 50 2:01:37; 362, johnson, david Warner, 55 2:01:40; 363, Brewer Jr., Morris Rapid City, 35 2:01:41; 364, Cromwell, Ed Rapid City, 37 2:01:43; 365, Messimer, Peggy Gillette, Wyo.49 2:01:44; 366, Aarsby, Carmen Gillette, Wyo.50 2:01:44; 367, Black, Terrin Sturgis, 13 2:01:46; 368, Christensen, Colby Eaton, Colo.34 2:01:47; 369, Doolittle, Debbie Rapid City, 43 2:01:59; 370, Petersen, Jill Santa Barbara, CA41 2:02:02; 371, Alva, George Coppell, TX36 2:02:03; 372, Dahle, Darin Tyler, Minn.33 2:02:05; 373, Husman, Kay Sioux Falls, 44 2:02:05; 374, Amadon, Julie Woonsocket, 39 2:02:15; 375, Henkhaus, John Sioux Falls, 36 2:02:18; 376, Meyer, Jim Spearfish, 27 2:02:21; 377, Vanoni, Michael Denver, Colo.56 2:02:22; 378, Sangray, Andrew Helena, MT62 2:02:26; 379, Monroe, Jeff Pierre, 48 2:02:31; 380, Day, Michael Laramie, Wyo.58 2:02:38;

381, Day, Susan Laramie, Wyo.53 2:02:38; 382, Meier, Connie Rapid City, 55 2:02:50; 383, Neal, Joslyn Box Elder, 22 2:02:51; 384, Mikkelsen, Michelle Pierre, 34 2:02:57; 385, Lees, Kathy Rapid City, 36 2:02:58; 386, Collins, Wayne Round Rock, TX63 2:03:08; 387, McKinney, Connie Scottsbluff, Neb.51 2:03:12; 388, Highland, Krista Rapid City, 19 2:03:19; 389, Bartle, Darcey Mansfield, TX36 2:03:38; 390, hallock, shannon Pierre, 33 2:03:43; 391, Forty Castro, Ramiro Ellsworth AFB, 33 2:03:44; 392, Keszler, Kristin Sturgis, 19 2:03:46; 393, Ribstein, Carolyn harrisburg, 40 2:03:51; 394, Swindal, Susan Custer, 44 2:03:55;395, Karn, Amy Rapid City, 31 2:03:59; 396, Moore, Mitzi Rapid City, 38 2:04:01; 397, Clement, Mary Box Elder, 30 2:04:01; 398, Moore, Steve Rapid City, 37 2:04:01; 399, Simica, Paul Denver, Colo.41 2:04:17; 400, stratmeyer, julie berthoud, Colo.37 2:04:18;

401, Farnham, Brett MItchell, 39 2:04:20; 402, Ellender, Scott Rapid City, 37 2:04:29; 403, Lonbaken, Judy Pierre, 39 2:04:43; 404, Lonbaken, Roger Pierre, 67 2:04:43; 405, Lonbaken, Karen Sioux Falls, 38 2:04:43; 406, Sullivan, Sylvia Yankton, 48 2:04:49; 407, Larson, Teresa Rapid City, 34 2:04:55; 408, Odom, Phil Mansfield, TX41 2:04:57; 409, Rembold, Chad Miller, 33 2:05:04; 410, Rembold, Sherry Miller, 26 2:05:04; 411, Meirose, Jill Sturgis, 40 2:05:08; 412, Rounds, Dennis Pierre, 48 2:05:13; 413, Larkin, Susan Shoreview, Minn.44 2:05:19; 414, Meyer, Bob Spearfish, 64 2:05:21; 415, Nelson, Peggy Luverne, Minn.53 2:05:25; 416, Baker, Laurie Omaha, Neb.44 2:05:33; 417, Oberg, Jennifer Rapid City, 31 2:05:41; 418, Ellender, Elizabeth Rapid City, 36 2:05:41; 419, Hunt, Tim Cavalier, ND52 2:05:42; 420, Sterbis, Cara Brookings, 37 2:06:01;

421, Bottari, Kenneth EAFB, 42 2:06:02; 422, Meyer, Laurie Sioux Falls, 50 2:06:07; 423, Clark, Carl Great Falls, MT66 2:06:12; 424, Cook, Allen Spearfish, 39 2:06:15; 425, Haivala, Beth Piedmont, 40 2:06:22; 426, Sauer, Joyce Rapid City, 42 2:06:29; 427, Stahl, Narissa Denver, Colo.27 2:06:39; 428, Rengstorf, Brenda Minneapolis, Minn.23 2:06:41; 429, Peterson, Eric Fort Collins, Colo.59 2:06:41; 430, Rengstorf, Ben Minneapolis, Minn.25 2:06:42; 431, Aune, Betsy Minneapolis, Minn.23 2:06:42; 432, Rengstorf, Christa Denver, Colo.25 2:06:43; 433, Knecht, Kathy Bloomington, IL37 2:06:54; 434, McKee, Brenda Vadnais Heights, Minn.38 2:06:54; 435, Dougherty, Tim Sioux Falls, 46 2:07:10; 436, Zunich, Jerry Williston, ND61 2:07:20; 437, BRAZEE, SPUD LUTA, FL63 2:07:21; 438, Gustafson, Orvel Casper, Wyo.57 2:07:21; 439, Peabody, Roger Gillette, Wyo.53 2:07:24; 440, Stephanie, Kathy Minot, ND25 2:07:27;

441, Phillips, Erin Socorro, NM27 2:07:28; 442, Halley, Rachel Newcastle, Wyo.35 2:07:31; 443, Addink, Gene Rapid City, 51 2:07:32; 444, Kaufman, Shirley Phoenix, AZ53 2:07:34; 445, Johnson, Rolf Aberdeen, 43 2:07:46; 446, Schulz, Barbara Rapid City, 60 2:07:57; 447, leyden, brandi Lincoln, Neb.30 2:08:17; 448, McCarthy, Steve Rapid City, 60 2:08:24; 449, Nelson, Cory Yankton, 35 2:08:28; 450, Eisenmenger, James Yankton, 61 2:08:38; 451, Bowers, Vicky Rapid City, 50 2:08:42; 452, Gorby, Lesley Sioux Falls, 38 2:08:47; 453, Carlson, Traci Rapid City, 37 2:08:52; 454, Berger, Sandy Rapid City, 60 2:08:52; 455, VanDerWerff, Tammi Rapid City, 37 2:08:52; 456, Thompson, Joy Alliance, Neb.45 2:08:54; 457, Thompson, Mark Alliance, Neb.48 2:08:54; 458, Kurt, Tom Ankeny, IA60 2:09:10; 459, Rodman, Peter Sioux Falls, 57 2:09:14; 460, Silver, Randy Rapid City, 47 2:09:18;

461, Delzer, Greg Rapid City, 36 2:09:24; 462, Varda, Donna Peoria, IL40 2:09:24; 463, KENSER, MARVIN PEORIA, IL49 2:09:30; 464, Geddes, Deborah Sioux Falls, 40 2:09:30; 465, Westerdahl, Maura Seattle, WA36 2:09:32; 466, Balligand, Helene Fort Collins, Colo.37 2:09:43; 467, Rybicka, Roger Ft. Collins, Colo.57 2:09:54; 468, Kennedy, Myles Spearfish, 63 2:10:04; 469, Garrels, Mary Ankeny, IA29 2:10:12; 470, Schmidt, Ruth Ann Valparaiso, IN57 2:10:15; 471, Martinmaas, Cyril Rapid City, 39 2:10:24; 472, wampler, deborah indinapolis, IN50 2:10:29; 473, Jorgensen, Serena Alpine, Wyo.33 2:10:31; 474, Hernandez, Sylvia Pflugerville, TX47 2:10:36; 475, Herrick, Carlie Vermillion, 27 2:10:37; 476, Goble, Kimberly Rapid City, 33 2:10:37; 477, Herrick, David Vermillion, 26 2:10:37; 478, Larson, Lynne Spearfish, 41 2:10:40; 479, Gothard, Mark Grand Rapids, Minn.43 2:10:40; 480, Larson, Donna Rapid City, 40 2:10:58;

481, Smith, Kandi Normal, IL38 2:10:58; 482, Keck, Debbie Rapid City, 39 2:11:05; 483, Feist, Suzanne Rapid City, 38 2:11:06; 484, Taylor, Anne Rapid City, 37 2:11:06; 485, Sayler, Audra Rapid City, 37 2:11:07; 486, White, Bob Rapid City, 55 2:11:08; 487, Bledsoe, Mark Aberdeen, 48 2:11:10; 488, Sharp, Marty Cody, Wyo.49 2:11:23; 489, Schipper, Lloyd Pierre, 57 2:11:27; 490, Azevedo, Beth Spearfish, 26 2:11:41; 491, Matson, Terryl Spearfish, 55 2:11:49; 492, Wynne, Laurie Ellsworth AFB, 33 2:12:13; 493, Wood, Kay Fort Collins, Colo.50 2:12:29; 494, Adams, Larry Rapid City, 38 2:12:33; 495, Clark, Daphne Williston, ND29 2:12:43; 496, Parsons, Dale Pittsburg, KS45 2:12:53; 497, O'Donnell, Penelope Golden, Colo.56 2:13:20; 498, busse, roger ELLSWORTH AFB, 31 2:13:36; 499, Ceglowski, Sue Williston, ND39 2:13:47; 500, Ritter, Carol Williston, ND55 2:13:48;

501, Nelson, Jessica Minot, ND35 2:14:02; 502, Nelson, Thor Minot, ND37 2:14:03; 503, Vance, Mick Longmont, Colo.63 2:14:22; 504, Fish, Nathan Indianapolis, IN17 2:14:23; 505, Bennett, Bruce Longmont, Colo.58 2:14:23; 506, Brettingen, Mandy Mankato, Minn.29 2:14:34; 507, Brettingen, Katie Shakopee, Minn.24 2:14:34; 508, Knight, Sarah Rapid City, 28 2:14:42; 509, Bonds, Johana Hill City, 40 2:14:45; 510, Neild, Melissa Ellsworth AFB, 21 2:14:50; 511, Thompson, Annie Rapid City, 29 2:14:53; 512, Jensen, Melissa Sturgis, 28 2:14:55; 513, Medrano, Channa Gillette, Wyo.33 2:15:08; 514, Ploughman, Doug Fort Collins, Colo.46 2:15:11; 515, Likness, Jeremy Lead, 30 2:15:13; 516, McGuire, Patricia Rapid City, 50 2:15:16; 517, Sadowski, Keith Spearfish, 29 2:15:26; 518, Sadowski, Kristin Itasca, IL25 2:15:26; 519, Voss, Mary Ann Sioux Falls, 47 2:15:27; 520, Seda, Mike Sioux Falls, 30 2:15:29;

521, Seda, Julie Sioux Falls, 28 2:15:30; 522, Noland, Maureen Staten Island, NY50 2:15:38; 523, Ahrendt, Linda Fort Pierre, 45 2:15:41; 524, mattern, dixie mina, 40 2:15:45; 525, Trandahl, Robyn Wright, Wyo.36 2:15:55; 526, Pryor, Ann Rapid City, 40 2:16:02; 527, Flocchini, Leslie Gillette, Wyo.41 2:16:09; 528, flohrs, jennifer boulder, Colo.34 2:16:12; 529, Peterson Carr, Elesha Pierre, 33 2:16:13; 530, Besso, Mike Deadwood, 52 2:16:19; 531, Craig, Nicole Rapid City, 34 2:16:23; 532, teichman, dale wichita falls, TX58 2:16:25; 533, Vaccarella, Marlene Wichita Falls, TX47 2:16:25; 534, Nelson, Terry Luverne, Minn.56 2:16:26; 535, clyne, joe gladstone, MO53 2:16:28; 536, clyne, Fay gladstone, MO55 2:16:29; 537, Nordin, Ron Hudson, Wis.42 2:16:34; 538, Lunde, Lloyd Hartford, 54 2:16:42; 539, Weisbeck, Kari Pierre, 31 2:16:46; 540, Petersen, Phyllis Pierre, 64 2:16:53;

541, Tholstrup, Susan Pearland, TX46 2:16:59; 542, Ketchen, James Rapid City, 58 2:17:21; 543, Conrad, Linda Sioux Falls, 41 2:17:35; 544, Severson Stove, Kerri Rapid City, 37 2:17:37; 545, Stukel, Erin Rapid City, 24 2:17:38;546, Sachs, Barbara Rapid City, 37 2:17:40; 547, Nelson, Jeffrey Bismarck, ND47 2:17:54; 548, Raymer, Ilene Kansas City, MO32 2:17:55; 549, Rickel, Alan Rapid City, 45 2:17:57; 550, Kibler, David Chanhassen, Minn.42 2:18:04; 551, Eiriksson, Dale Valparaiso, FL48 2:18:05; 552, Moe, Faye Williston, ND51 2:18:16; 553, Leidholt, Betty Pierre, 51 2:18:17; 554, wallin, kirstin colorado springs, Colo.33 2:18:20; 555, Knittel, Kim Pierre, 24 2:18:25; 556, Frie, Rick Grapevine, TX45 2:18:35; 557, Schulte, Alan Hill City, 47 2:18:36; 558, Maguire, Debbie Rapid City, 41 2:18:39; 559, Alford, Brandon Cavalier AFS, ND28 2:18:46; 560, Christensen, Holly Rapid City, 26 2:18:49;

561, Sauer, Terry Conway, AR52 2:19:01; 562, Whipple, Tori Rapid City, 26 2:19:04; 563, Harris-Stanton, Rebekah Casper, Wyo.32 2:19:05; 564, Barnes, Nancy Spearfish, 42 2:19:25; 565, Maas, Maria Billings, MT29 2:19:26; 566, Sander, Mark Erie, Colo.27 2:19:38; 567, Brennan, Carol Fort Collins, Colo.63 2:19:54; 568, Stroppel, Debbie Wright, Wyo.49 2:20:04; 569, Alison, Thomas Denver, Colo.68 2:20:05; 570, Twomey, Penny Wright, Wyo.54 2:20:06; 571, Blume, Lori Omaha, Neb.36 2:20:10; 572, Bump, Melissa Pierre, 40 2:20:18; 573, Jacobsen, Jennifer Pierre, 28 2:20:24; 574, Schulz, Christy Rapid City, 30 2:20:30; 575, Oltmanns, Michael Lennox, 50 2:20:31; 576, Vega, Teri Parker, Colo.39 2:21:00; 577, Neal, Nicole Pierre, 30 2:21:19; 578, Runyon, Ray Gillette, Wyo.53 2:21:20; 579, Tunseth, Christine Fargo, ND33 2:21:31; 580, BLACK, KIM RAPID CITY, 30 2:21:36;

581, Hamilton, Glenn Independence, MO58 2:21:36; 582, Schlotzhauer, Barry Kansas City, MO58 2:21:38; 583, Williams, Heidi Rapid City, 36 2:22:15; 584, Benson, Michael Hanover TWP, PA21 2:22:24; 585, Henrichsen, Bill Castlewood, 54 2:22:26; 586, Hamlin, Robert Olds, AB36 2:22:33; 587, Coulter, Kathy Sioux Falls, 54 2:22:41; 588, Williams, Todd Rapid City, 38 2:22:47; 589, Hickstein, Richard Pringle, 58 2:22:56; 590, Davis, Karen Hutchinson, Minn.40 2:23:16; 591, MCDERMAID, TINA RAPID CITY, 26 2:23:30; 592, Iverson, Jeff Rapid City, 44 2:23:34; 593, Kaup, Paul Arlington, Neb.34 2:23:35; 594, Straight, Sarah Fort Pierre, 27 2:24:04; 595, JASINSKI, ROYAUNeb. RAPID CITY, 41 2:24:07; 596, Roach, Marlin Lexington, MO38 2:24:25; 597, O'Doan, Debbie Rapid City, 29 2:24:59; 598, Travis, Donna Denver, Colo.47 2:24:59; 599, Matthesen, Cathy Rapid City, 35 2:25:10; 600, Kavanaugh, Joseph Rapid City, 59 2:25:13;

601, Kavanaugh, Mary Lynn Lakewood, Colo.58 2:25:14; 602, Kavanaugh, Kathleen Denver, Colo.56 2:25:15; 603, Krebsbach, Kristi Bowman, ND32 2:25:16; 604, Christofferson, CabotAnn Rapid City, 29 2:25:17; 605, Stevens, Kevin Ellsworth AFB, 48 2:25:25; 606, Regynski, Seanna Pierre, 31 2:25:40; 607, Arnold, Peg Rochester, Minn.46 2:26:04; 608, Mullins, Renee Austin, TX27 2:26:04; 609, brown, rockie rapid city, 20 2:26:19; 610, Hennen, betsy Olivia, Minn.50 2:26:21; 611, Brown, Cheryl Watford City, ND38 2:26:22; 612, Stoddart, George Lincoln Park, NJ65 2:26:24; 613, Sasso, Sue Rapid City, 34 2:26:25;614, brown, patty rapid city, 42 2:26:32; 615, Teveldal, Sarah Moorhead, Minn.20 2:26:51; 616, Dahle, Megan Sioux Falls, 24 2:26:52; 617, Walker, Lisa Lewiston, ID50 2:27:05; 618, LaPoint, Kari Rapid City, 28 2:27:27; 619, Hinman, Jorah Boise, ID16 2:27:28; 620, Hinman, Dale Boise, ID52 2:27:29;

621, Short, Angie Morrison, Colo.46 2:27:34; 622, Standish, Michael Anthem, AZ36 2:27:52; 623, Howardson, Amy Watertown, 32 2:27:53; 624, Meise, Tara Pierre, 24 2:27:53; 625, Kirk, Tom Evergreen, Colo.57 2:27:56; 626, Heiden, Chris Aberdeen, 51 2:27:58; 627, Rodriguez, Carol Seattle, WA39 2:28:04; 628, Rodriguez, Ron Seattle, WA33 2:28:04; 629, Dahle, Travis Sioux Falls, 28 2:28:25; 630, Dalke, Sherry Watertown, 28 2:28:36; 631, Bakken, Michelle Sioux Falls, 32 2:28:53; 632, Knecht, Kim Pierre, 36 2:28:53; 633, Wharton, Charlie Pierre, 45 2:28:53; 634, Wright-Cook, Tonya Custer, 37 2:28:54; 635, Travis, Becky Pierre, 28 2:29:04; 636, Bachmann, JoAnn Gillette, Wyo.47 2:29:21; 637, Bachmann, Jeff Gillette, Wyo.48 2:29:22; 638, Sido, Nancy Glendale, MO53 2:29:53; 639, Pfeiffer, Kathy Rapid City, 60 2:29:55; 640, Williams, Gayla Spearfish, 46 2:31:17;

641, Ausmus, Desa Craig, Colo.33 2:31:24; 642, Mechling, Shawn Sturgis, 37 2:31:26; 643, Berg, Kathy Rapid City, 40 2:31:30; 644, Howey, Georgia Rapid City, 45 2:31:32; 645, Eich, Ronald Carroll, IA62 2:31:52; 646, Nygard, Carrie Black Hawk, 28 2:32:43; 647, Albin, Michael Rapid City, 28 2:32:43; 648, Stulken, Jeffrey Mobridge, 45 2:32:46; 649, Knudsen, Stanley Groton, 55 2:32:53; 650, Simon, Lea Aberdeen, 40 2:32:56; 651, Wheeler, Emily Rapid City, 29 2:33:14; 652, Bila, Karen Casper, Wyo.36 2:33:36; 653, Ketchen, Margaret Rapid City, 53 2:33:45; 654, Craig, Todd Rapid City, 34 2:33:51; 655, Meese, Beth Colorado Springs, Colo.57 2:33:52; 656, Lindsey, Jason St. Cloud, Minn.33 2:34:08; 657, Evers, Holly St. Cloud, Minn.35 2:34:08; 658, McNeil, Kate Sartell, Minn.36 2:34:26; 659, Prietti, Carolyn Jupiter, FL51 2:35:47; 660, Rossknecht, Tim Stuart, FL52 2:35:48; 661, kandolin, Tara denver, Colo.30 2:35:50; 662, Lautaret, Tanya Anchorage, AK30 2:35:51; 663, Marcus, Urla Spearfish, 29 2:35:51; 664, Nordin, Jennifer Hudson, Wis.32 2:36:26; 665, Taylor, Lynne Englewood, Colo.54 2:37:02; 666, Taylor, Harve Rolla, KS41 2:37:06; 667, Warren, Dianne Aberdeen, 54 2:37:19; 668, Kendall, Karen Peoria, IL60 2:37:21; 669, SOMMER, DONALD BREMERTON, WA59 2:37:22; 670, Word, Mary Pierre, 40 2:37:38; 671, Frashier, Grant Coleraine, Minn.53 2:37:48; 672, Mead, Tom Spearfish, 56 2:37:55; 673, Cline, Julie Fort Collins, Colo.38 2:38:19; 674, Horn, Allison Fort Collins, Colo.52 2:38:22; 675, Hardegger, Kate Burnsville, Minn.46 2:38:24; 676, Barent, Danielle Buffalo, Wyo.13 2:38:42; 677, Barent, Dan Buffalo, Wyo.43 2:38:42; 678, Becker, Kathy Mitchell, 48 2:38:45; 679, Niesent, Tara Spearfish, 26 2:38:47; 680, dickerson, carla evansville, Wyo.28 2:38:49;

681, Frandsen, Jack Lead, 72 2:38:54; 682, Stephens, Matt Rapid City, 36 2:38:59; 683, Stephens, Jenna Rapid City, 12 2:38:59; 684, Hofer, Lorna Watertown, 31 2:39:29; 685, Romero-Campbel, Diana Denver, Colo.36 2:39:58; 686, Mau, Mary Beth Bayard, Neb.34 2:40:00; 687, Barry, Cleo Carter, 41 2:40:12; 688, Olson-Rangitsc, Marta Rapid City, 35 2:40:14; 689, Weinstein, Jill Chicago, IL32 2:40:29; 690, Walschlager, Edmund Anderson, IN64 2:40:31; 691, forrester, ardelle britton, 58 2:40:36; 692, Riblet, Heather Somers, IA18 2:40:41; 93Riblet, Sita Somers, IA24 2:40:43; 694, Monczunski, Julia Spearfish, 25 2:40:46; 695, Bressler, Tacy Spearfish, 41 2:40:47; 696, Ferrigan, David Oakland, ME40 2:41:22; 697, Rasby, Molly Rapid City, 45 2:41:26; 698, Goodson, Jennifer Rapid City, 36 2:41:27; 699, Meehan, Monica Colorado Springs, Colo.42 2:41:29; 700, Zimmerschied, Robert Buffalo, Wyo.58 2:41:29;

701, McHenry, Robert (Bob Buffalo, Wyo.43 2:41:30; 702, Oury, James Rapid City, 66 2:42:27; 703, oury, lisbeth rapid city, 52 2:42:27; 704, Rouse, Doug Conroe, TX51 2:42:28; 705, Woolfe, Doc Anaheim, CA70 2:42:55; 706, Schlagel, Jewel Lane, 47 2:43:02; 707, Nelson, Brad Deadwood, 27 2:43:02; 708, Guinane, Mike Aurora, Colo.51 2:43:15; 709, Moore, Karen Rapid City, 43 2:43:50; 710, Engelker, Jeff Rapid City, 35 2:44:05; 711, Garrett, Dave Rapid City, 40 2:44:06; 712, Christell, Canin Springfield, MO15 2:44:06; 713, Christell, Ansley Springfield, MO17 2:44:09; 714, Parker, Roberta Lead, 70 2:44:37; 715, Hays, Marc Plainfield, IN76 2:44:52; 716, Katus, Tom Rapid City, 65 2:45:12; 717, Briscoe, Dennis Lafayette, Colo.60 2:45:45; 718, Cook, Cathy Wright, Wyo.41 2:46:01; 719, Guinane, Sally Aurora, Colo.49 2:46:38; 720, McNeil, Jezal Spearfish, 30 2:47:27;

721, Shillington, Leigh Aberdeen, 27 2:47:29; 722, Row, Margaret Houston, TX42 2:47:43; 723, Thorman, Toni Spearfish, 30 2:47:51; 724, Clinchers, Mike Kyle, 39 2:48:11; 725, Wieman, Jill Sioux Falls, 41 2:48:12; 726, Portfolro, Denise Rapid City, 50 2:50:19; 727, Delzer, Michele Rapid City, 37 2:50:41; 728, McKeon, Beckie Rapid City, 35 2:50:53; 729, Harris, Linda Rapid City, 48 2:51:27; 730, Miller, Wendy Hurley, 42 2:51:39; 731, Dickhaut, Janice Rockham, 47 2:51:45; 732, Thorman, Lorrie Spearfish, 40 2:52:11; 733, Weimer, Mary Miles City, MT51 2:53:31; 734, Schumacher, Judy Piedmont, 61 2:54:05; 735, Weisz, Julie Gillette, Wyo.28 2:54:52; 736, Onisko, Katie Arvada, Colo.46 2:55:19; 737, Chapelle, Amy Pierre, 53 2:55:21; 738, Salverson, Steven Pierre, 44 2:55:21; 739, Sauer, Marsha Conway, AR43 2:55:28; 740, Heselton, Debbie Faribault, Minn.38 2:56:13;

741, Smith, Molly, Deadwood, 36 2:57:38; 742, Meyers, Frank St. Peters, MO65 2:58:12; 743, Hardman, Tom Shreveport, LA58 2:58:53; 744, Loveridge, Arielle Box Elder, 13 2:59:09; 745, Krajca-Radcliff Joan Morris, Minn.52 2:59:54; 746, Wheeler, Susan Rapid City, 61 3:00:59; 747, Hendrickson, Helen Belle Fourche, 41 3:00:59; 748, Lund, Lauriann Overland Park, KS40 3:01:30; 749, Thournir, Eileen Lakewood, Colo.51 3:01:38; 750, Mason, Kali Mead, Colo.45 3:01:45; 751, Cairnes, Kathy Lee's Summit, MO43 3:02:54; 752, Gould, Mary Jo Lead, 41 3:02:59; 753, Carsrud, Laurie Sioux Falls, 47 3:04:47; 754, Lewter, Jeanne Arden, NC58 3:04:57; 755, Rider, Daniel Sugar Land, TX49 3:05:36; 756, Hinman, Kevin Boise, ID17 3:06:29; 757, Petrie, Jennifer Laramie, Wyo.26 3:07:25; 758, Vomacka, Deb Gregory, 46 3:07:44; 759, Sternhagen, Cessalie Yankton, 29 3:08:30; 760, Anderson, Marilyn Brookings, 51 3:08:47;

761, Koslowski, Marlys Brighton, Colo.44 3:09:02; 762, Johnson, Craig Rapid City, 50 3:09:47; 763, Smith, Penelope Washington, DC34 3:11:00; 764, Zic, David Sterling, VA35 3:11:00; 765, Warren, Lesley Rapid City, 45 3:12:03; 766, Craft, Judy aberdeen, 50 3:12:14; 767, Serfling, Sharon aberdeen, 58 3:12:14; 768, Child, Paul Mendota Heights, Minn.76 3:13:06; 769, Johnson, Patricia Rapid City, 52 3:13:09; 770, Stern, Kaitlyn Freeman, 11 3:13:25; 771, Stern, Staci Freman, 35 3:13:26; 772, Gunn, Vince Shadehill, 64 3:14:20; 773, Richards, Jacqueline Rapid City, 41 3:15:06; 774, Clark, Kim Rapid City, 47 3:15:10; 775, Petrie, Gaye Aberdeen, 52 3:15:16; 776, Holte, Charles Colorado Springs, Colo.59 3:16:33; 777, Hoffman, Pamela Colorado Springs, Colo.34 3:16:35; 778, Dhunjishah, Mike Columbia, SC60 3:16:38; 779, Fish, Melody Indianapolis, IN48 3:17:47; 780, Taylor, Traci Rolla, KS42 3:18:43;

781, Dhunjishah, Linda Columbia, SC61 3:19:13; 782, Zaddach, Bonnie Casper, Wyo.36 3:19:43; 783, Krueger, Connie Rapid City, 59 3:21:09; 784, Taylor, Richard Billings, MT70 3:22:11; 785, Schreier, Karen Rapid City, 48 3:24:27; 786, Johnson, Kathryn Hill City, 50 3:24:27; 787, Nelson, Wendy Lead, 48 3:26:23; 788, Moralez, Ellen Fullerton, CA53 3:26:34; 789, Adams, Christina Lake Oswego, OR50 3:26:50; 790, Newton, Jim Amarillo, TX57 3:26:52; 791, Petrie, Neil Laramie, Wyo.33 3:27:31; 792, Lee, Tina Rapid City, 37 3:28:05; 793, Lockrem, Lyndon New Richmond, Wis.53 3:28:20; 794, Lenari, Bob Sarasota, FL68 3:29:21; 795, Oien, Paul Pierre, 45 3:29:51; 796, Gustafson, Laurie Pierre, 44 3:29:59; 797, Gustafson, Brian Pierre, 47 3:29:59; 798, Lundgren, Kathy Sioux Falls, 42 3:30:55; 799, Lucero, Esther Denver, Colo.51 3:31:11; 800, Beeman, Pat Manchester, CT54 3:31:22;

801, Ducharme, George Manchester, CT63 3:31:49; 802, Dougherty, Bill Sioux Fall, 73 3:34:07; 803, Ward, Kristy Rapid City, 41 3:34:13; 804, Heacock, Christy Rapid City, 48 3:34:15; 805, Pullen, Barb Kenmare, ND45 3:35:37; 806, Knode, Steve Gering, Neb.52 3:35:38; 807, Knode, Jennie Gering, Neb.52 3:35:39; 808, Alderman, Marian Spearfish, 47 3:35:43; 809, Neal, Deann Sturgis, 43 3:35:56; 810, Hannan, Joyce Rapid City, 52 3:36:08; 811, Dempsey, Pat Casselberry, FL57 3:37:20; 812, Schlaefer, Jill Colorado Springs, Colo.50 3:38:06; 813, Runyon, Becky Gillette, Wyo.46 3:38:22; 814, Lang, Linda Pine Haven, Wyo.49 3:39:27; 815, Batcheler, Ann Tulsa, OK40 3:39:43; 816, Gunn, Susan Shadehill, 58 3:40:14; 817, Dickinson, Margaret Phoenix, AZ56 3:40:19; 818, Wolf, Georgine New Underwood, 41 3:42:00; 819, Lynch, Judy Sturgis, 65 3:46:04; 820, Westlake, Margaret Louisville, KY48 3:46:23;

821, Hofeman, Denise Redfield, 38 3:47:10; 822, Hoag, Kristine Redfield, 35 3:47:27; 823, Miller, Julie Hitchcock, 47 3:48:16; 824, Schultz, Lynne Tulare, 59 3:48:29; 825, Schonebaum, Penny Burke, 49 3:51:26; 826, Schmitz, Connie Bonesteel, 54 3:51:26; 827, Hanson, Kasey Jo Burke, 30 3:51:26; 828, Bahr, Linda Groton, 57 3:53:58; 829, Crothers, Bob Indianapolis, IN49 3:56:57; 830, Myers, Ronald Commerce City, Colo.59 3:59:57; 831, Sterud, Robert Brookings, 56 4:06:24; 832, Sterud, Patricia Brookings, 54 4:06:25; 833, Berg, Charles Omaha, Neb.33 4:08:03; 834, Walker, Jennifer Rapid City, 21 4:08:39; 835, Walker, Paula Belle Fourche, 49 4:08:44; 836, Parker, Mary Rapid City, 56 4:10:53; 837, Crandell, Cheryl Storm Lake, IA63 4:10:57; 838, Parker, Keyron Rapid City, 59 4:10:57; 839, Lavigne, Dawn Lemmon, 46 4:14:05; 840, Pettit, Delores Colome, 60 4:22:34;

841, Ducheneaux, Kay Winner, 48 4:22:37; 842, Sasso, Ron Rapid City, 40 5:32:30;

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